Plug In to the Right Rate for Your Business
We offer three rate plans designed for businesses planning to charging electric vehicles. Learn more about your options here; then, call us for assistance in selecting the rate schedule that best fits your business’ day-to-day operations and budget. If you are a property manager, you may be eligible for a residential rate plan.

Using Your Existing Rate Schedule>
If you prefer, you may combine your new electric vehicle charging load with existing non-residential load on a single meter. In this case, all of your business’ energy will be priced on a single rate. Existing rate components—such as time-of-use periods, energy charges or demand charges—may apply. If the combined existing non-residential load and electric vehicle charging load is above 500 kilowatts on 1 meter, load must be served on the TOU-8 rate.

Dedicated Rate Plans for Electric Vehicles >
We offer three non-residential, separately-metered rate options specifically for charging electric vehicles. These rates may help lower your bill, particularly if most of your charging takes place between 9 p.m. and 4 p.m. (next day).
The separately metered rates below are designed for electric vehicle charging at non-residential premises served under a General Service rate schedule. If you are interested in one of these rates, be sure to let your installer know you’ll require a second meter when you request a quote.
Rate Option 1: TOU-EV-7
TOU-EV-7 is available to customers with charging demands of 20 kilowatts (kW) or less.
Rate Option 2: TOU-EV-8
TOU-EV-8 is available to customers with charging demands above 20 and up to 500 kW.
Rate Option 3: TOU-EV-9
TOU-EV-9 is available to customers with charging demands exceeding 500 kW.