Virtual Net Metering (VNM)
Effective February 15, 2024, NEM-V-ST is no longer available for new enrollment.

Schedule MASH-VNM-ST (Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing Virtual Net Metering). Schedule MASH-VNM-ST is applicable to owners or operators of multifamily affordable housing properties where tenants are individually metered by us. Solar energy produced by the solar generating facility is credited to common area and/or tenant service accounts, as designated by the owner or operator, that are located at the same income-qualified residential complex as the solar generating facility.
Schedule SOMAH-VNM (Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing - Virtual Net Metering) applicable to Qualified Customers whose Service Account(s) are located at a Residential Complex on the same Premises upon which one or more Eligible Generators have been installed. For more information, visit the Center for Sustainable Energy's Solar Energy Center to learn how virtual net metering can be utilized with multifamily buildings.
Schedule NEM-V-ST (Virtual Net Energy Metering for Multi-Tenant and Multi-Meter Properties) is available to customers who applied on or prior to the February 14, 2024 deadline. NEM-V-ST applies to owners or operators of multi-tenant, multi-meter property(ies) where the owner or operator elects to allocate a percentage of the total metered output of a renewable generating facility to service accounts, which are referred to as “benefitting accounts.”
Schedule NBT-V* (Virtual Solar Billing Plan) is the successor program to NEM-V-ST for those who applied after February 14, 2024. As with NEM-V-ST, this program is available to owners or operators of multi-tenant, multi-meter property(ies) where the owner or operator elects to allocate a percentage of the total metered output of a renewable generating facility to service accounts, which are referred to as “benefitting accounts.”
For residential benefitting accounts, the percentage of metered output is first used to offset their eligible consumed kilowatt-hour (kWh) energy, with the dollar value of any remaining output being applied to the benefitting accounts in the form of Energy Export Credits (EECs) which are used to offset eligible energy charges.
Residential customers may also be eligible to receive Energy Export Bonus Credits (EEBC). For non-residential benefitting accounts, the percentage of metered output is applied to the accounts in the form of EECs, which are used to offset eligible energy charges.
*Schedule NBT-V is pending a California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) decision.
Interested in applying for the Virtual Solar Billing Plan?
Applications must be submitted via our Solar Billing Plan Online Interconnection Application System.

VNM Metering & Billing Charges
Net Generation Output Meter (NGOM) Installation Process
An NGOM is required for both Virtual Net Metering interconnection options. The one-time, upfront cost of the NGOM varies depending on the specific configuration of the Interconnection Request (IR).
The following is required to schedule the installation:
- Paid NGOM Invoice - The NGOM invoice will be emailed by the assigned SCE Local Planner after an Engineer has reviewed the IR.
- The customer must submit a new service request application for the NGOM address using one of the following options:
o Contact the SCE Commercial Department at (800) 990-7788, or
o Email with the completed NGOM Service Request Form (Multiple Turn On/Off Requests) - Meter release for the new electrical service panel - The Planner must receive the release directly from the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)
Once all requirements are met, a Meter Technician will schedule the installation within 10-15 business days. Upon completion, Permission to Operate (PTO) will be issued
Additional Billing Fees
Schedule NEM-V-ST requires a $25 one-time set-up charge per newly established Benefitting Account, with a $500 cap per arrangement. There is no charge for up to one change per Benefitting Account per 12-month period. A $7.50 charge per account change applies to subsequent changes within that same 12-month period.
The following administrative charges will also apply for disconnect/reconnect. We will inform the owner at the site assessment about what reasonable disconnect/reconnect procedure charges they may expect at the time of interconnection. Cost for disconnect/reconnect will vary depending on the number of hours required to complete this work based on factors including but not limited to: grounding or splicing requirements, the effect of disconnect on multiple customers, SCE’s need to stand by during customer-performed work, or if the disconnect/reconnect occurs outside normal business hours. A site assessment charge could range from $0-$5,000.