Savings Solutions for Business
If you are upgrading equipment in an existing building, planning a major remodeling or construction of a new building, or looking for ways to reduce overall energy consumption during hours of peak demand, we have solutions to meet your needs

Building a Better Future in 3 Steps
You can find savings that work for your new construction or existing buildings through our building improvement incentive programs.
Step 1: Assess Your Usage>
Take advantage of Continuous Energy Improvement, our free energy consulting service. We can also help you track, analyze, and monitor your energy usage with Energy Benchmarking and SCE EnergyManager®.

Step 2: Find Solutions>
When upgrading equipment to achieve energy savings in an existing facility, consider participating in an Energy Efficiency Program (EE). EE programs can help you save energy and contribute to a clean energy future. Learn more about the various third-party programs and how they may help conserve energy and lower energy costs.
The California Advanced Homes Program will help ensure your design and planning processes are as energy-efficient as possible for new construction.

Step 3: Get Incentives & Savings>
Our programs offer several financial incentives. Reducing your energy consumption with solar or self-generation can save you even more. Learn more about Generating Your Own Power and how you can save with self-generation incentives.
Take advantage of our zero-interest financing for energy-efficient upgrades. Learn about Energy Efficiency Financing programs available to you and your business to help you reduce energy consumption and start saving.
Use technology to help your business save energy. Find all the information you need in one place. Visit the Energy Management Center for smart products, programs, and tools.

Demand Response Saving & Incentive Programs
Save even more with these programs.

Capacity Bidding Program (CBP) & CBP Aggregators
Through this internet-based program, your business can earn payments for agreeing to reduce its energy use during Capacity Bidding Program (CPB) events. This helps ease the stress on the electrical grid when resources become constrained.

Summer Discount Plan (SDP)
Enrolling in the Summer Discount Plan is a great opportunity to earn credits on your energy bill and help reduce the chance of power outages in your community. If you Cycle your A/C when temperatures rise. You could earn up to $145* in bill credits per unit.

Summer Reliability Program (SRP)
SCE’s Summer Reliability Program offers participants performance-based compensation for reducing energy usage during times of high grid stress. The goal is to avoid rotating outages while minimizing ratepayers' costs.
Other Ways to Save
Integrated Distributed Energy Resources (IDER) Partnership Pilot
SCE is transitioning to a cleaner, more advanced electric grid to support more customer choices with clean energy resource options by contracting with various Energy Solutions Providers to help your business better manage its energy use through various non-carbon-emitting clean energy solutions.
Savings by Business Type
Find energy-efficient solutions to meet your industry challenges and help reduce your energy use and costs. Your business may already qualify for incentives and low or no-interest financing that could help you install or upgrade these energy-saving improvements now.

Energy Successes, Tips, and Solutions to Operate Your Business More Efficiently >
Just a few small changes can help you improve your heating, lighting, and cooling efficiency—so you’re saving time, energy, and money. Explore industry success stories, energy tips, and savings that can help you manage and control energy use during Time-Of-Use (TOU) On-Peak hours, Demand Response (DR), and Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) events.