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Regulatory Information - Energy Efficiency Filings


2004-05 Energy Efficiency Statewide and Local Program Proposals

SCE is pleased to present the CPUC with both SCE's 2004-05 public goods charge-funded energy efficiency program proposals (Zip file:1.43mb) and SCE's 2004-05 long-term procurement-related energy efficiency program plans. (Zip file:492kb).

SCE seeks CPUC approval of all of the program plans and associated budgets which make up our portfolio of statewide and local programs, and our program partnerships with local governments. 

In this portfolio, SCE is committing the full resources of our company – and leveraging the resources and capabilities of our many program partners and delivery allies – to the task of capturing the extraordinary levels of durable and reliable cost-effective energy savings called for in the state's Energy Action Plan and aggressively pursued by SCE as part of our long-term resource plan.

The accompanying Excel formatted documents representing budget and program activities are contained in separate zip files associated with the public goods charge-funded energy efficiency proposals (Zip file:6.91mb) and the long-term procurement-related energy efficiency plans. (Zip file:4.56mb)

Filings you will find here include: 

This report, dated May 2004, provides SCE's achievements associated with its energy efficiency programs. The report provides program descriptions along with program specific results including energy and demand savings.