How should I read my CCA bill?
Residential and Business Customers
1. Amount due - This shows your current monthly amount due and the due date.
2. Your SCE account information - If you ever need customer service or want to enroll in SCE programs and services, we’ll use your customer account number to access your information.
3. Your account summary - This shows your most recent account activity and the current amount due.
4. Summary of your billing detail - You’re an “unbundled” SCE customer, which means we deliver your electricity, but you have a separate Energy Service Provider who generates it. While all of your charges are shown together on one bill, we use this section to list your delivery charges (SCE charges get the electricity to your home or business) and generation charges (CCA charges to procure the electricity you use) separately and we identify them using the single individual service account number. The first charge is from SCE and the second charge is from your Energy Service Provider.
5. Your rate - The rate provides the name of the pricing plan you are on with SCE or your CCA.
6. Your payment stub - Shows the amount due and the due date. If you're paying by mail, remember to write your customer account number on the "memo" line of your check and make sure the SCE address is visible in the return envelope window. You can save postage costs and help the environment by going paperless at - it’s fast, easy, and secure.

7. Ways to contact us - Lists SCE Customer Service phone numbers. You may also message us via Facebook and Twitter, and get quick answers from our Frequently Asked Questions. For details, visit
8. Request a large-print bill - We offer a version of your bill in larger print – if you would like to enroll, please contact us at the number shown in this section.
9. Your payment options - Lists the various methods and contact information for paying your bill.
10. Rates and applicable rules - Guides you to to get detailed information on rates, rules, and tariffs.
11. Past due bills - Explains that your SCE bill becomes past due 19 days after the bill is prepared and provides information about late payment charges and disconnection.
12. Disputed bills - If you think your bill is incorrect, please refer to this section for instructions on how to contact SCE or the CPUC for assistance. For generation charges/disputes please contact your CCA.
13. Definitions - Provides definitions of some types of charges and credits shown on your bill. For more definitions, go to
14. Change of address - If your mailing address has changed, please use this section to provide your new information.
15. Enroll in the Direct Payment program - If you would like to save time by having your monthly payments automatically deducted from your checking account, use this section to enroll in the Direct Payment program.
16. Make a donation to SCE’s Energy Assistance Fund (EAF) - EAF helps keep the lights on for people in need. If you would like to round up your bill or contribute an amount of your choice to help others, use this section to make your selection.

17. Delivery - This label shows who is delivering your electricity.
18. Your past and current electricity usage - Compare the amount of energy you use from month to month and discover any seasonal trends. If you want to view your hourly consumption, sign up for SCE’s My Account.
19. Delivery charges - This shows the itemized cost of delivering your electricity.
20. CCA cost responsibility surcharge - Learn more about PCIA and CTC
- PCIA - Power Charge Indifference Adjustment is a charge to recover resources committed prior to a customer's switch to a third-party electric generation provider, such as a CCA.
- CTC - Competition Transition Charge is for legacy electricity contracts signed prior to 1998, that exceed a CPUC-approved market price limit.
21. Your delivery charges - This shows the itemized breakdown of delivery and energy charges. These include taxes and other fees related to energy distribution.
22. Understanding your SCE bill - With our Tiered Rate Plan (Schedule D), you begin each billing period at the Tier 1 rate, which has the lowest price per kilowatt-hour. If you use more energy than the “baseline allocation” for your region, your energy cost increases to Tier 2.
One of the best ways to lower your energy costs is to reduce the amount of energy you use. We have tips and tools that may help, including SCE’s Budget Assistant, which enables you to set monthly spending goals, tracks your costs in near real-time, and sends you alerts via email, phone, or text to let you know how you’re doing.

23. Things you should know - Check this section each month for important news and information about your bill, SCE programs and services, and more.
24. POD-ID - This is an additional customer identification field for your reference for billing inquiries. The POD ID can be located near your Service Account number. You can also find additional information at FAQ for CCA Customers. (Vanity URL) and FAQ for DA Customers. (Vanity URL)
25. Supply - This label shows who is supplying your electricity.
26. Details of your CCA charges - This shows the itemized breakdown of generation charges (CCA charges to procure the electricity you use) provided by the CCA during this billing period. For questions regarding these charges, contact your local CCA.
27. Things you should know - Check this section each month for important news and information about your generation and ways to contact your energy provider.