If you see a downed power line, leave the area immediately and call 9-1-1, then call SCE at 1-800-611-1911.
Report a Downed Power Line
Electricity is dangerous. Always treat power lines as if they are live or energized, and never touch or approach a downed power line.
What should I do if I see a downed or damaged electrical line?
- Never touch or even approach a downed power line – it can cause serious injury or even death.
- Whether overhead or on the ground, consider all power lines energized and dangerous.
- Don’t touch anyone or anything in contact with a downed power line, including debris, trees, cars, ladders, and people.
- Don't try to use tools such as a branch or stick to move the line.
- Call 9-1-1 right away.
- If you wish to report a downed wire, please only tell us about what you can see from a safe distance.
Learn More Safety Tips
Report Emergencies
Be alert. Stay safe. Report an emergency or get information on what to do in the event of a safety hazard.