Community Choice Aggregation
What are Community Choice Aggregators?
As Community Choice Aggregators (CCA), cities and counties may buy or generate electricity for residents and businesses within their communities. SCE partners with each CCA in our service area to deliver the electricity through our distribution system. SCE will continue providing CCA customers with meter-reading, billing, maintenance, and outage response services. Watch this video for more details.
How Your CCA Works with SCE

Program Enrollment
Find information on your CCA program enrollment options.

View an illustrated guide to understand your bill with SCE and CCA charges.
CCAs within SCE’s Service Area
The list below includes contact information for all active CCAs operating within the SCE service area in California. Additionally, SCE partners with CCAs to provide our shared customers with a comparison of current electric rates, average monthly charges, and types of generation. You’ll find rate comparisons between SCE and CCAs in the Joint Rate Comparison documents provided for each CCA below.
Apple Valley Choice Energy provides service to the city of Apple Valley.
For more information about Apple Valley Choice Energy, visit avchoiceenergy.com or call 1-760-573-2823.
SCE Joint Rate Comparison:
Central Coast Community Energy serves the following cities:
- City of Goleta
- City of Carpinteria
- Unincorporated Santa Barbara County
For more information about Central Coast Community Energy, visit https://3cenergy.org/ or call 1-877-455-2223.
SCE Joint Rate Comparison:
CPA partners with the following cities as well as Los Angeles and Ventura Counties:
For more information about Clean Power Alliance, visit cleanpoweralliance.org or call 1-888-585-3788.
SCE Joint Rate Comparison:
Desert Community Energy provides service to the city of Palm Springs.
For more information about Desert Community Energy (DCE), visit desertcommunityenergy.org/ or call 1-855-357-9240.
SCE Joint Rate Comparison:
Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice
- Website: https://palmdaleepicenergy.com
- Phone: 661-267-5419
SCE Joint Rate Comparison:
Lancaster Energy provides service to the city of Lancaster.
For more information about Lancaster Energy, visit lancasterenergy.com or call 1-844-288-4523.
SCE Joint Rate Comparison:
Orange County Power Authority provides service to the following cities:
- Buena Park
- Fullerton
- Irvine
For more information about Orange County Power Authority, visit https://www.ocpower.org/ or call 1-866-262-7693.
SCE Joint Rate Comparison:
Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy provides service to the city of Pico Rivera.
For more information about Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy, visit poweredbyprime.org or call 1-800-GOPRIME or 1-800-467-7463.
SCE Joint Rate Comparison:
Pomona Choice Energy provides service to the city of Pomona.
For more information about Pomona Choice Energy, visit pomonachoiceenergy.org or call 1-909-620-2079.
SCE Joint Rate Comparison:
Rancho Mirage Energy Authority provides service to the city of Rancho Mirage.
For more information about Rancho Mirage Energy Authority, visit RanchoMirageEnergy.org or call 1-760-578-6092.
SCE Joint Rate Comparison:
Santa Barbara Clean Energy provides service to the city of Santa Barbara.
For more information about Santa Barbara Clean Energy, visit sbcleanenergy.com or call 1-805-897-1979.
SCE Joint Rate Comparison:
San Jacinto Power provides service to the city of San Jacinto.
For more information about San Jacinto Power, visit sanjacintopower.com or call 1-951-665-6812.
SCE Joint Rate Comparison: