As part of our mutual commitment to better serve customers, Southern California Edison (SCE) and San Jacinto Power (SJP) have jointly created a comparison of our common electric rates, average monthly charges, and generation portfolio contents. To find your specific electric rate, please scroll down.
If you have further questions please contact San Jacinto Power at or 1-951-665-6812 and SCE at or 1-800-974-2356.
Generation Rate reflects the cost of producing or purchasing electricity to power your home. This rate depends on usage, and will vary depending on your service provider and rate plan.
SCE Delivery Rate is a charge assessed by SCE to deliver electricity to your home. This rate depends on usage.
Surcharges represents the Cost Responsibility Surcharge (CRS) and Franchise Fee (FF) that are applicable to Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) customers and SCE customers that elect a Green Rate. The CRS is a surcharge to recover costs associated with power purchases made on behalf of customers prior to a customer’s switch to a CCA or SCE Green Rate. The FF recovers taxes owed to a city in exchange for allowing SCE to utilize electrical distribution lines throughout the property of the city. SCE acts as the collection agency for the FF surcharge which is levied by cities and counties for all customers.
All rate comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 climate zone data within SCE's Baseline Region 10 (includes the City of San Jacinto) utilizing SCE's published rates as of October 1, 2024 and SJP's published rates as of May 1, 2024.
The volume of interest for both the 50% and 100% Green Rate program has currently exceeded the amount of capacity available from approved Green Rate resources. SCE will maintain a waitlist for customers interested in participating in the Green Rate program, and as capacity becomes available, SCE will enroll customers on the Green Rate on a first-come, first served basis. For more information, email or visit
DOMESTIC | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12282 | $0.16059 | $0.16059 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.23918 | $0.23357 | $0.23357 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00677 | -$0.00677 |
Total Costs | $0.36200 | $0.38739 | $0.38739 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $10.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $243.26 | $260.33 | $270.33 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for D‐SDP, D‐SDP‐O, DE, DE‐SDP, DE‐SDP‐O, DM, DMS‐1, DMS‐2, DMS‐3
D-CARE | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12282 | $0.16059 | $0.16059 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.12204 | $0.12204 | $0.12204 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.01238 | -$0.01238 |
Total Costs | $0.24486 | $0.27025 | $0.27025 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $5.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $164.55 | $181.61 | $186.61 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for DM-CARE, D-CARE-SDP, D-CARE-SDP-O
D-FERA | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12282 | $0.16059 | $0.16059 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.17248 | $0.16687 | $0.16687 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00677 | -$0.00677 |
Total Costs | $0.29530 | $0.32069 | $0.32069 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $10.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $198.44 | $215.50 | $225.50 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for D-FERA-SDP, D-FERA-SDP-O, DE-FERA, D-FERA, D-FERA-E, D-FERA-S DP, D-FERA-SDP-O, DM-FERA
TOU-D-A | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12899 | $0.16797 | $0.16797 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.25327 | $0.24766 | $0.24766 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00672 | -$0.00672 |
Total Costs | $0.38226 | $0.40891 | $0.40891 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $10.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $256.88 | $274.79 | $284.79 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-D-A-SDP, TOU-D-A-SDP-O, TOU-D-A-SDP, TOU-DE-A, TOU-DE-A-SDP, TOU-DEA-SDPO
TOU-D-A-CARE | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12899 | $0.16797 | $0.16797 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.13025 | $0.13025 | $0.13025 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.01233 | -$0.01233 |
Total Costs | $0.25924 | $0.28589 | $0.28589 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $5.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $174.21 | $192.12 | $197.12 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TD-A-C-SDP, TD-A-C-SO, TOU-D-A-CARE, TOU-D-A-C
TOU-D-A-FERA | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12899 | $0.16797 | $0.16797 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.18292 | $0.17731 | $0.17731 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00672 | -$0.00672 |
Total Costs | $0.31191 | $0.33856 | $0.33856 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $10.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $209.60 | $227.51 | $237.51 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TD-A-F-SDP, TD-A-F-SO, TDE-A-F-SDP, TDE-A-F-SO, TOU-DE-A-F, TOU-D-A-FERA, TOU-D-A-F
TOU-D-B | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.13430 | $0.17432 | $0.17432 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.22784 | $0.22223 | $0.22223 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00667 | -$0.00667 |
Total Costs | $0.36214 | $0.38988 | $0.38988 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $10.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $243.36 | $262.00 | $272.00 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU‐D‐B‐SDP, TOU‐D‐B‐SDP-O, TOU‐DE‐B, TOU‐DE‐B‐SDP, TOU‐DE‐B‐SDP-O
TOU-D-B-CARE | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.13430 | $0.17432 | $0.17432 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.11065 | $0.11065 | $0.11065 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.01228 | -$0.01228 |
Total Costs | $0.24495 | $0.27269 | $0.27269 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $5.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $164.61 | $183.25 | $188.25 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TD-B-C-SDP, TD-B-C-SO, TOU-D-B-C
TOU-D-B-FERA | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.13430 | $0.17432 | $0.17432 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.16111 | $0.15550 | $0.15550 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00667 | -$0.00667 |
Total Costs | $0.29541 | $0.32315 | $0.32315 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $10.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $198.52 | $217.16 | $227.16 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TD-B-F-SDP, TD-B-F-SO, TDE-B-F-SDP, TDE-B-F-SO, TOU-D-B-F, TOU-DE-B-F
TOU-D-T | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12540 | $0.16368 | $0.16368 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.22243 | $0.21682 | $0.21682 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00675 | -$0.00675 |
Total Costs | $0.34783 | $0.37375 | $0.37375 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $10.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $233.74 | $251.16 | $261.16 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU‐DE‐T, TOU‐DE‐T‐SDP, TOU‐DE‐T-SDP-O, TOU‐D-T‐SDP, TOU‐D-T‐SDP-O
TOU-D-T-CARE | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12540 | $0.16368 | $0.16368 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.10940 | $0.10940 | $0.10940 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.01236 | -$0.01236 |
Total Costs | $0.23480 | $0.26072 | $0.26072 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $5.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $157.79 | $175.20 | $180.20 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-DT-C-SDP, TOU-DT-C-SDP-O
TOU-D-4 | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12341 | $0.16124 | $0.16124 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.24007 | $0.23446 | $0.23446 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00677 | -$0.00677 |
Total Costs | $0.36348 | $0.38893 | $0.38893 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $10.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $244.26 | $261.36 | $271.36 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-D-4-SDP, TOU-D-4-SDP-O, TOU-DE-4, TOU-DE-4-SDP, TOU-DE4-SDP-O
TOU-D-4-CARE | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12341 | $0.16124 | $0.16124 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.12250 | $0.12250 | $0.12250 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.01238 | -$0.01238 |
Total Costs | $0.24591 | $0.27136 | $0.27136 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $5.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $165.25 | $182.35 | $187.35 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TD-4-C-SDP, TD-4-C-SO
TOU-D-4-FERA | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12341 | $0.16124 | $0.16124 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.17310 | $0.16749 | $0.16749 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00677 | -$0.00677 |
Total Costs | $0.29651 | $0.32196 | $0.32196 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $10.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $199.25 | $216.36 | $226.36 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TD-4-F-SDP, TD-4-F-SO, TOU-DE-4-F, TDE-4-F-SDP, TDE-4-F-SO
TOU-D-5 | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12298 | $0.16082 | $0.16082 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.23995 | $0.23434 | $0.23434 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00677 | -$0.00677 |
Total Costs | $0.36293 | $0.38839 | $0.38839 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $10.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $243.89 | $261.00 | $271.00 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-D-5-SDP, TOU-D-5-SDP-O, TOU-DE-5, TOU-DE-5-SDP, TOU-DE5-SDP-O
TOU-D-5-CARE | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12298 | $0.16082 | $0.16082 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.12254 | $0.12254 | $0.12254 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.01238 | -$0.01238 |
Total Costs | $0.24552 | $0.27098 | $0.27098 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $5.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $164.99 | $182.10 | $187.10 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TD-5-C-SDP, TD-5-C-SO
TOU-D-5-FERA | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12298 | $0.16082 | $0.16082 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.17308 | $0.16747 | $0.16747 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00677 | -$0.00677 |
Total Costs | $0.29606 | $0.32152 | $0.32152 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $10.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $198.95 | $216.06 | $226.06 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TD-5-F-SDP, TD-5-F-SO, TOU-DE-5-F, TDE-5-F-SDP, TDE-5-F-SO
TOU-D-PRIME | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12418 | $0.16222 | $0.16222 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.23258 | $0.22697 | $0.22697 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00676 | -$0.00676 |
Total Costs | $0.35676 | $0.38243 | $0.38243 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $10.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $239.74 | $256.99 | $266.99 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-D-PRIME-SDP, TOU-D-PRIME-SDP-O, TOU-DE-PRIME-SDP, TOU-DE-P-SDPO
TOU-D-PRIME-CARE | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12418 | $0.16222 | $0.16222 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.11695 | $0.11695 | $0.11695 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.01237 | -$0.01237 |
Total Costs | $0.24113 | $0.26680 | $0.26680 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $5.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $162.04 | $179.29 | $184.29 |
Monthly Usage: 672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TD-PRIME-C-SDP, TD-PRIME-C-SO
TOU-D-PRIME-FERA | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.12418 | $0.16222 | $0.16222 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.16682 | $0.16121 | $0.16121 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00676 | -$0.00676 |
Total Costs | $0.29100 | $0.31667 | $0.31667 |
SJP PureGreen Premium | NA | NA | $10.00 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $195.55 | $212.80 | $222.80 |
Monthly Usage:672 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TD-PRIME-F-SDP, TD-PRIME-F-SO, TOU-DE-PRIME-F, TDE-PRIME-F-SDP
TOU-EV-8 | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.10234 | $0.13258 | $0.13258 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.17966 | $0.17405 | $0.17405 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00357 | -$0.00357 |
Total Costs | $0.28200 | $0.30306 | $0.30306 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $3,674.74 | $3,949.17 | $3,959.17 |
Monthly Usage:980 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-GS1A-AE, TOU-GS1A-AEC, TOU-GS1A-C
TOU-GS-1-A | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.11878 | $0.15185 | $0.16685 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.17348 | $0.16787 | $0.16787 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00295 | -$0.00295 |
Total Costs | $0.29226 | $0.31677 | $0.33177 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $286.41 | $310.43 | $325.13 |
Monthly Usage:980 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-GS1A-AE, TOU-GS1A-AEC, TOU-GS1A-C
TOU-GS-1-D | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.09761 | $0.12654 | $0.14154 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.11924 | $0.11363 | $0.11363 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00315 | -$0.00315 |
Total Costs | $0.21685 | $0.23702 | $0.25202 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $212.51 | $232.28 | $246.98 |
Monthly Usage:980 kWh
Monthly Demand:2 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-GS1-D-AE, TOU-GS1-D-AE-C, TOU-GS1-D-C
TOU-GS-1-E | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.11612 | $0.14867 | $0.16367 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.16946 | $0.16385 | $0.16385 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00297 | -$0.00297 |
Total Costs | $0.28558 | $0.30955 | $0.32455 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $279.87 | $303.36 | $318.06 |
Monthly Usage:980 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-GS1-E-AE, TOU-GS1-E-AE-C, TOU-GS1-E-C
TOU-GS-2-E | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.09860 | $0.12811 | $0.14311 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.16668 | $0.16107 | $0.16107 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00361 | -$0.00361 |
Total Costs | $0.26528 | $0.28557 | $0.30057 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $3,456.86 | $3,721.26 | $3,916.73 |
Monthly Usage:13,031 kWh
Monthly Demand:30 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU‐GS2-E‐AE, TOU‐GS2-E‐AE-C, TOU-GS2-E‐C
TOU-GS-2-B | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.09666 | $0.12578 | $0.14078 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.13793 | $0.13232 | $0.13232 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00362 | -$0.00362 |
Total Costs | $0.23459 | $0.25448 | $0.26948 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $3,056.71 | $3,315.87 | $3,511.32 |
Monthly Usage:13,030 kWh
Monthly Demand:30 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-GS2B-AE, TOU-GS2B-AEC, TOU-GS2B-C, TOU-GS2B-SAE
TOU-GS-2-D | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.09126 | $0.11934 | $0.13434 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.14428 | $0.13867 | $0.13867 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00367 | -$0.00367 |
Total Costs | $0.23554 | $0.25434 | $0.26934 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $3,069.32 | $3,314.30 | $3,509.77 |
Monthly Usage:13,031 kWh
Monthly Demand:30 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-GS2D-AE, TOU-GS2D-AEC, TOU-GS2D-C, TOU-GS2D-SAE
TOU-GS-2-R | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.10368 | $0.13419 | $0.14919 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.15866 | $0.15305 | $0.15305 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00356 | -$0.00356 |
Total Costs | $0.26234 | $0.28368 | $0.29868 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $3,418.29 | $3,696.35 | $3,891.80 |
Monthly Usage:13,030 kWh
Monthly Demand:30 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-GS2R-AE, TOU-GS2R-AE-C, TOU-GS2R-C
TOU-GS-3-D | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.08621 | $0.11309 | $0.12809 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.12355 | $0.11794 | $0.11794 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00343 | -$0.00343 |
Total Costs | $0.20976 | $0.22760 | $0.24260 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $17,440.29 | $18,923.57 | $20,170.73 |
Monthly Usage:83,144 kWh
Monthly Demand:174 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU‐GS3‐D‐C, TOU‐GS3‐D-AES, TOU-GS3-D‐AE
TOU-GS-3-E | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.09178 | $0.11975 | $0.13475 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.14406 | $0.13845 | $0.13845 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00338 | -$0.00338 |
Total Costs | $0.23584 | $0.25482 | $0.26982 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $19,608.68 | $21,186.75 | $22,433.91 |
Monthly Usage:83,144 kWh
Monthly Demand:174 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-GS3-E-AE, TOU-GS3-E-C
TOU-GS-3-R | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.09356 | $0.12187 | $0.13687 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.13792 | $0.13231 | $0.13231 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00336 | -$0.00336 |
Total Costs | $0.23148 | $0.25082 | $0.26582 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $19,246.40 | $20,854.43 | $22,101.60 |
Monthly Usage:83,145 kWh
Monthly Demand:174 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-GS3R-AE
TOU-8-D-SEC | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.08453 | $0.11074 | $0.12574 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.11089 | $0.10528 | $0.10528 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00320 | -$0.00320 |
Total Costs | $0.19542 | $0.21282 | $0.22782 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $59,516.33 | $64,815.61 | $69,383.95 |
Monthly Usage:304,556 kWh
Monthly Demand:549 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-8-D-APSE
TOU-8-R-SEC | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.08984 | $0.11708 | $0.13208 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.11853 | $0.11292 | $0.11292 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00315 | -$0.00315 |
Total Costs | $0.20837 | $0.22685 | $0.24185 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $63,460.33 | $69,088.53 | $73,656.87 |
Monthly Usage:304,556 kWh
Monthly Demand:549 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-8-R-APSE
TOU-8-R-PRI | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.08589 | $0.11222 | $0.12722 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.10321 | $0.09760 | $0.09760 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00297 | -$0.00297 |
Total Costs | $0.18910 | $0.20685 | $0.22185 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $148,391.88 | $162,320.78 | $174,091.68 |
Monthly Usage:784,727 kWh
Monthly Demand:1,275 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-8-R-APSE
TOU-PA-2-A | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.09440 | $0.12298 | $0.13798 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.10259 | $0.09698 | $0.09698 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00345 | -$0.00345 |
Total Costs | $0.19699 | $0.21651 | $0.23151 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $1,919.27 | $2,109.46 | $2,255.60 |
Monthly Usage:9,743 kWh
Monthly Demand:17 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
TOU-PA-2-B | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.08677 | $0.11385 | $0.12885 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.08272 | $0.07711 | $0.07711 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00352 | -$0.00352 |
Total Costs | $0.16949 | $0.18744 | $0.20244 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $1,651.34 | $1,826.23 | $1,972.37 |
Monthly Usage:9,743 kWh
Monthly Demand:17 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
TOU-PA-2-D | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.08408 | $0.11062 | $0.12562 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.09602 | $0.09041 | $0.09041 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00354 | -$0.00354 |
Total Costs | $0.18010 | $0.19749 | $0.21249 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $1,754.71 | $1,924.15 | $2,070.29 |
Monthly Usage:9,743 kWh
Monthly Demand:17 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
TOU-PA-2-D-5TO8 | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.08547 | $0.11298 | $0.12798 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.09509 | $0.08948 | $0.08948 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00353 | -$0.00353 |
Total Costs | $0.18056 | $0.19893 | $0.21393 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $1,759.20 | $1,938.17 | $2,084.32 |
Monthly Usage:9,743 kWh
Monthly Demand:17 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
TOU-PA-2-E | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.09596 | $0.12484 | $0.13984 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.10662 | $0.10101 | $0.10101 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00343 | -$0.00343 |
Total Costs | $0.20258 | $0.22242 | $0.23742 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $1,973.74 | $2,167.04 | $2,313.18 |
Monthly Usage:9,743 kWh
Monthly Demand:17 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
TOU-PA-2-E-5TO8 | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.09568 | $0.12451 | $0.13951 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.10652 | $0.10091 | $0.10091 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00343 | -$0.00343 |
Total Costs | $0.20220 | $0.22199 | $0.23699 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $1,970.03 | $2,162.85 | $2,308.99 |
Monthly Usage:9,743 kWh
Monthly Demand:17 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
TOU-PA-3-A | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.08218 | $0.10823 | $0.12323 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.09794 | $0.09233 | $0.09233 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00344 | -$0.00344 |
Total Costs | $0.18012 | $0.19712 | $0.21212 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $15,253.64 | $16,693.30 | $17,963.59 |
Monthly Usage:84,686 kWh
Monthly Demand:148 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
TOU-PA-3-B | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.07728 | $0.10238 | $0.11738 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.08302 | $0.07741 | $0.07741 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00348 | -$0.00348 |
Total Costs | $0.16030 | $0.17631 | $0.19131 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $13,575.17 | $14,930.99 | $16,201.28 |
Monthly Usage:84,686 kWh
Monthly Demand:148 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
TOU-PA-3-D | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.07602 | $0.10086 | $0.11586 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.09182 | $0.08621 | $0.08621 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00350 | -$0.00350 |
Total Costs | $0.16784 | $0.18357 | $0.19857 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $14,213.70 | $15,545.81 | $16,816.10 |
Monthly Usage:84,686 kWh
Monthly Demand:148 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
TOU-PA-3-D-5TO8 | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.07603 | $0.10127 | $0.11627 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.09125 | $0.08564 | $0.08564 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00350 | -$0.00350 |
Total Costs | $0.16728 | $0.18341 | $0.19841 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $14,166.27 | $15,532.26 | $16,802.55 |
Monthly Usage:84,686 kWh
Monthly Demand:148 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
TOU-PA-3-E | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.08258 | $0.10872 | $0.12372 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.09898 | $0.09337 | $0.09337 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00344 | -$0.00344 |
Total Costs | $0.18156 | $0.19865 | $0.21365 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $15,375.59 | $16,822.87 | $18,093.16 |
Monthly Usage:84,686 kWh
Monthly Demand:148 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
TOU-PA-3-E-5TO8 | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.08247 | $0.10789 | $0.12289 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.09906 | $0.09345 | $0.09345 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00344 | -$0.00344 |
Total Costs | $0.18153 | $0.19790 | $0.21290 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $15,373.05 | $16,759.36 | $18,029.65 |
Monthly Usage:84,686 kWh
Monthly Demand:148 kW
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
TC-1 | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.09514 | $0.12420 | $0.13920 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.24575 | $0.24014 | $0.24014 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00378 | -$0.00378 |
Total Costs | $0.34089 | $0.36056 | $0.37556 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $95.79 | $101.32 | $105.53 |
Monthly Usage:281 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
LS-1 | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.06504 | $0.09034 | $0.10534 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.13339 | $0.12778 | $0.12778 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00617 | -$0.00617 |
Total Costs | $0.19843 | $0.21195 | $0.22695 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $157.95 | $168.71 | $180.65 |
Monthly Usage:796 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for LS-1-ALLNITE, LS-1-E
LS-2 | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.06504 | $0.09034 | $0.10534 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.13339 | $0.12778 | $0.12778 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00617 | -$0.00617 |
Total Costs | $0.19843 | $0.21195 | $0.22695 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $157.95 | $168.71 | $180.65 |
Monthly Usage:796 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for LS-2-4, LS-2-B
OL-1 | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.06504 | $0.09034 | $0.10534 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.13339 | $0.12778 | $0.12778 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00617 | -$0.00617 |
Total Costs | $0.19843 | $0.21195 | $0.22695 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $157.95 | $168.71 | $180.65 |
Monthly Usage:796 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for OL-1-ALLNITE
LS-3 | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.06514 | $0.09034 | $0.10534 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.09280 | $0.08719 | $0.08719 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00617 | -$0.00617 |
Total Costs | $0.15794 | $0.17136 | $0.18636 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $125.72 | $136.40 | $148.34 |
Monthly Usage:796 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for LS-3-B
AL-2-F | SCE | SJP Prime Power (35% Renewable) | SJP Pure Green (100% Renewable) |
Generation Rate | $0.06514 | $0.09034 | $0.10534 |
SCE Delivery Rate | $0.09280 | $0.08719 | $0.08719 |
Surcharges | $0.00000 | -$0.00617 | -$0.00617 |
Total Costs | $0.15794 | $0.17136 | $0.18636 |
Average Monthly Bill ($) | $125.72 | $136.40 | $148.34 |
Monthly Usage:796 kWh
SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2024. SJP rates are current as of May 1, 2024.
This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for AL-2, AL-2-B-(GF)