Extreme Weather Restoration Update
Our thoughts are with everyone impacted by the extreme weather event. As of Thurs., 1/23, 8:15 a.m., 40,431 customers are without power. PSPS numbers will continually change as field reports and system updates are completed. For the latest outage updates, including your outage status, please visit our Outage Map.
For more information on power restoration, please visit Extreme Weather Restoration Updates.

Emergency Load Reduction Program

ELRP image commercial building

Emergency Load Reduction Program

Reduce Energy During Peak Demand and Earn Bill Credits 

If your business can reduce its energy usage between 4 pm to 9 pm, enrolling in the Emergency Load Reduction Program (ELRP) could earn you incentives and lower your bill.

How It Works

ELRP allows non-residential customers to earn incentives, without penalty, for reducing electricity demand during grid emergencies.

ELRP events can occur when the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) issues an alert, warning, or emergency. SCE will notify participants the day before or the day of an event, and in case of an emergency, the same-day reduction is needed.

Event hours are between 4 pm and 9 pm, any day of the week including holidays, between May 1 and October 31. An event will last a minimum of one hour to a maximum of five hours.

Customers submit a one-time kW reduction bid at the time of enrollment. Customers are encouraged to review their historical usage to determine an achievable bid amount.


To be eligible to participate, non-residential (commercial, industrial, and agricultural) individual bundled-service customers must be able to reduce load by a minimum of one kilowatt during an ELRP event, have an SCE-approved interval meter or SmartConnect™ meter that can measure energy consumption, at least hourly, and if applicable, can measure exported energy. Dual participation in BIP, AP-I, SDP-C, CPP, and RTP is allowed. Customers are encouraged to review their historical summer energy demands to determine an achievable bid amount.

Ready to Apply?

If you would like to enroll in ELRP:

  • Contact your SCE Account Representative
  • Visit elrp.sce.com to check your eligibility, learn more about the program, and apply;
  • or call 1-866-334-7827.
  • Third-party DRPs should contact sce3rdpartydrp@sce.com
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