Services Available To You
We have been a leading expert in reading meters for over 100 years. For more than ten years we have been reading water meters on a contract basis for cities, municipalities and water districts.
Equally important is that we're an expert on your neighborhoods. Our employees visit virtually every one of your residential and commercial customers at least once a month. We're aware of aggressive dogs and blocked accesses, and know how to work with them. This means that our vehicles and our meter readers are a familiar and trusted sight in your neighborhoods, and ready to provide you with accurate, cost-effective contract meter reading (CMR).
For more information, contact your SCE Representative or E-mail cmr@sce.com.
Through E-Commerce, companies can exchange goods and services electronically using a set of common transaction standards. Through the use of technology and standards, movement of information can be remote, automatic, electronic, and independent of specific technology platforms. E-Commerce extends your buying and selling capabilities beyond geographical boundaries.
Some benefits include:
- reduced cycle time.
- improved accuracy.
- enhanced customer service.
- improved business relationships.
- improved response to customer demand.
- more effective inventory management.
- minimized paper use and storage.
If your business provides goods or services to Southern California Edison (SCE), or is a customer of SCE, and has Electronic Commerce capabilities such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), you may want to consider an EC connection with SCE.
Learn more about SCE's EDI Program.
Metering, Usage, and Cost Management
Interval metering enables you to buy your power from an Electric Service Provider (ESP) (Direct Access), or from the California Power Exchange at the going hourly rates (SCE's Virtual Direct Access). An interval meter also helps you track and manage your company's energy usage more effectively.
An interval meter is a specialized device that measures your company's energy usage in 15-minute intervals.
Here are some situations that require an interval meter:
You must use an interval meter if:
- Your business has demand greater than 50kW and you want to purchase your power from an Electric Service Provider (ESP) (Direct Access). Southern California Edison can provide this metering (through your ESP), or you can get it directly from your ESP.
- You would like to continue to receive your power from Southern California Edison, but you want to take advantage of hourly pricing from the California Power Exchange (Virtual Direct Access).
- You need more information about your usage to manage your load more effectively and/or evaluate your options for Direct Access or Virtual Direct Access.
Taking advantage of the new electricity marketplace starts with a device called an interval meter. If you're one of SCE's large industrial or commercial customers, you're probably already using this technology. But if you're a small or mid-sized business hoping to move into the open energy market, this may be the first time you've heard about an interval meter.
An interval meter measures your energy usage in 15-minute increments. You need this technology and the information it supplies to utilize SCE Energy Manager™, which can help you control your company's energy usage and costs.
Once you've chosen the interval meter that's right for your business, we here every step of the way
Small and mid-sized businesses with energy demands less than 200 kW should choose one of the following packages:
Basic I
This solid state, computer-based meter manufactured by Asea Brown Boveri records usage in 15-minute intervals that can be used to determine hourly usage. It also measures and records maximum demand. Its programming features and multiple channels can be used to capture additional data for seasonal and Time-of-Use (TOU) pricing options and this is the Basic I meter equipped with a modem that integrates online energy management tools like SCE Energy Manager™ By enabling instant access to energy usage data, this meter gives you more control over your business. NOTE: The modem must be connected to a phone line to function. SCE will provide the hardware and software configuration, password, and phone line set-up and verification to enable your meter to receive phone calls, but your phone service provider must provide and install the phone line. |
Basic I+ |
This is the Basic I meter equipped with a modem that integrates online energy management tools like SCE Energy Manager™. By enabling instant access to energy usage data, this meter gives you more control over your business. NOTE: The modem must be connected to a phone line to function. SCE will provide the hardware and software configuration, password, and phone line set-up and verification to enable your meter to receive phone calls, but your phone service provider must provide and install the phone line. |
Advanced I
The Advanced I meter meets all the interval data needs of businesses of any size. The meters in the Advanced I product line are manufactured by international industry leaders: Schlumberger, General Electric and Landis & Gyr. The Schlumberger Vectron, the GE KV, and the Landis & Gyr S4 meet SCE's highest quality standards and the state's requirements for Direct Access metering. The Advanced I meter is completely solid-state and computer-based and has two channels: one for recording kilowatts and kilowatt-hours, and the second for recording kilovars, also known as reactive demand. Both measurements are required to bill customers with demands over 200kW, no matter who provides the electric generation service. For customers with demands under 200kW, the second channel remains idle until activated by demand in excess of 200kW. You can purchase an Advanced I meter with an internal modem to access your meter data via a standard telephone line. Using advanced metering and communications software, such as Edison AMICOS™, you can download electric usage data to your personal computer for further analysis. The Advanced I meter can also be purchased with two solid-state, KYZ pulse outputs to interface with your Energy Management System (EMS) or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA). NOTE: The modem must be connected to a phone line to function. SCE will provide the hardware and software configuration, password, and phone line set-up and verification to enable your meter to receive phone calls, but your phone service provider must provide and install the phone line. |
Large businesses with energy demands greater than 200kW should choose Advanced I. For the small number of businesses unable to use any of the above three meters, SCE will provide special interval metering to meet their needs.
How To Participate
To purchase or lease an interval meter, contact your SCE representative or call 1-800-799-4723.
Updated July
SCE-Facilitated Meter Financing Option
Obtain SCE-faciliated financing for purchases over $1,000.
Are you considering installing an interval meter to participate in the open electricity market? Do you need an interval meter to gather valuable information about your energy usage or to participate in SCE programs such as SCE EnergyManager®?
To enable qualifying business customers to pay for their interval meter on a monthly payment plan rather than incurring the entire cost up-front, SCE facilitates meter financing through Aetna Capital Company. The Meter Financing Option enables businesses to preserve cash and lines of credit for other investments or unexpected operating expenses.
The Meter Financing Option is available to business customers whether they purchase electricity from SCE or an electric service provider (ESP). The financing covers the cost of selected metering equipment, installation costs, and required phone lines.
About the Meter Financing Option
The Meter Financing Option is a finance lease where the finance company owns the equipment during the term of the lease. At the end of the lease term, the ownership of the equipment converts to the customer for $1. The customer can add new equipment to the master lease agreement by signing a lease schedule (as opposed to an entirely new lease).
The financing rate depends on the length of the term, the amount of the purchase, and the company's credit history. Financing terms of 12 to 60 months are available. SCE offers various interval meters. Ask your SCE representative for help determining monthly payments that will meet the financial requirements of your business.
Monthly charges for maintenance and meter reading may apply.
How To Participate
Once you've chosen a package, contact your SCE representative at 1-800-799-4723 to arrange to complete and sign a SCE Meter Financing Program, AETNA Capital Credit Application.
After your credit has been approved, you will be asked to sign and return a Cover Letter, Master Lease Agreement, Lease Schedule, and Delivery and Acceptance Letter.
Get reliable service from SCE's energy experts.
In addition to helping you choose which interval meter is right for your business, Southern California Edison will also install and maintain your meter with the same outstanding and reliable service we extend to everything we do.
SCE's Interval Meter Installation and Maintenance Package includes everything from removing your old meter to calibrating your new meter. We'll even replace the device if it stops working. Let SCE take care of your interval metering so you have more time to take care of your customers. SCE does more than just provide electricity. We also give you peace of mind.
SCE's Meter Installation and Maintenance Package includes
- Providing a final meter reading of your existing meter.
- Removing your existing meter.
- Installing your new meter.
- Testing and calibrating your new meter.
- Verifying operation of your new meter.
Meter Maintenance includes:
- Testing and calibrating your meter.
- Diagnosing and resolving problems with your meter.
- Replacing the meter in the event of a malfunction.
Prices vary depending upon meter type.
How To Participate
To sign up for SCE's Meter Installation and Maintenance Package, contact your SCE Representative or call 1-800-799-4723.
You won't find a company with more experience reading interval meters than Southern California Edison. We've been working with businesses like yours for more than a century, so we know the value of getting the job done right the first time.
The pillars of SCE's Meter Reading Service are:
- Knowledge. Because we understand the systems and processes behind your monthly electric bill, we can create new and innovative ways to bring you accurate and timely electrical usage information.
- Experience. We generate over 58 million energy bills annually — with consistently high standards.
- Reliability. We test, evaluate, and calibrate meters proactively, and have technical expertise in all aspects of electrical energy metering.
- Accuracy. Our experienced meter-reading personnel and existing read schedules, systems, and billing infrastructure ensure billing accuracy and keep costs down.
SCE's Meter Reading Service includes:
- Reading your meter.
- Validating the meter read data.
- Calculating your usage.
- Communicating usage data to you and your Electric Service Provider.
Prices depend on where your business is located and how easy your meter is to access. For more pricing information, contact your SCE service representative. To sign up for SCE's Meter Reading Service, contact your SCE Representative or E-mail cmr@sce.com
Updated on July 17, 2014