CPUC Information Disclosure
The following section contains SCE public documents in open proceedings before CPUC.
This page provides access to electronic copies of various public documents that have been filed or served by SCE. Not all proceedings in which SCE is a party will be posted. Documents for closed proceedings will remain on the site and be available for approximately 90 days from date closed.
When available, documents posted on this site are provided in PDF, Excel, Word, and/or Powerpoint formats. Pagination consistency of electronic documents cannot always be preserved. Users should refer to official copies of documents (provided by SCE or obtained through CPUC for exact line or page citations.)
This page is provided only for informational purposes and as a convenience to parties, media and customers who may have an interest in documents filed or served by SCE in CPUC proceedings. SCE assumes no responsibility for assuring that the electronic copies of documents posted on this site are complete or identical to the original documents. Nor does SCE assume responsibility for assuring that the posted documents include all of those that have been filed or served by SCE in a particular proceeding.
Interested parties who wish to assure themselves that they have a complete and accurate record of documents filed or served by SCE in a particular proceeding should consult the official records of the CPUC or contact SCE at (626) 302-6906 or email case.admin@sce.com.