SCE identified a study area that considered criteria necessary to meet the project objectives, i.e. connect RPU to SCE’s existing transmission facilities. Our engineers looked for route alternatives, focusing on locations that paralleled existing roads and/or existing overhead utilities, and our own existing transmission corridors. In places where we could not use our existing transmission corridors or did not have an existing transmission corridor, we considered route alternatives looking at their potential impacts to the environment, existing and probable future development, the topography/terrain, roadway access, scenic areas, and recreation uses, among other factors. SCE and the City of Riverside held multiple outreach meetings in the communities to gather comments and feedback on the study area and the various potential route alternatives.
Weighing the various considerations above with the technical needs for the project, we narrowed down to the various alternative segments submitted in our April 2015 CPCN Application. On or about June 1, 2015, the owners of the Riverbend and Vernola Marketplace Apartment Community projects (Lennar and the VAP Parties, respectively), among others, filed protests to SCE’s Application. Ensuing discussions between SCE, Riverside, Lennar and the VAP Parties identified an alternative alignment which substantially reduces or eliminates the environmental effects of RTRP on the Riverbend and Vernola Marketplace Apartment Community projects and resolves certain concerns raised by Lennar and the VAP Parties.
Pursuant to those discussions, and agreements concluded between SCE, Riverside, Lennar and the VAP Parties, on or about August 17, 2016, SCE proposed to pursue, as its preferred Project route, a “hybrid” aboveground / underground alternative 220 kV transmission line route (the “Hybrid Route”). The Hybrid Route is depicted in the Riverside Transmission Reliability Project Hybrid Route map, available here. As shown, the Hybrid Route proposes underground construction of the 220 kV transmission lines within public rights-of-way generally along Pats Ranch Road (south of Limonite Ave.) and along 68th Street (east of Pats Ranch Road).
For additional information, please refer to RTRP’s Final EIR, Vol. 2, Chapter 6, as well as the CPUC’s RTRP website (available here) and SCE’s RTRP website (available here).