Current Windstorms and Public Safety Power Shutoff Information

Current Windstorms and Public Safety Power Shutoff Information

Updated as of Jan. 19, 2021

Windstorms are forecasted to continue through next week, prompting potential power safety shutoffs. The current PSPS outage map reflects the current weather forecast and estimates that power will be restored to all customers at the end of the windstorms. However, we recognize that this is a very long period to be without power, and we have crews standing by to restore power to all customers whenever the winds subside, even if that means that we will be shutting off the power again if the winds pick up.

Please understand that we need to inspect all lines before we restore power, which means there will be a lag between when the winds subside and when power can be restored. We understand that this is extremely frustrating but ask for your support as we work to keep our communities safe from the threat of catastrophic wind-driven wildfires.