Our Rate Comparison tool offers optional Time-of-Use rates so you can have greater control of your costs by managing your household energy use. Choose from the commonly asked questions below for more information.
Rate FAQ
With Time-of-Use (TOU) rate plans, the price of electricity varies, depending on the time of day and the season. If you're able to adjust when and how much electricity you use, it may help lower your bill.
TOU rate prices are highest on weekdays June 1 through September 30 between the hours of 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. So, if you’re normally out of the house during workday hours, or if you can switch a few tasks (like charging your electric vehicle, doing laundry or running your pool pump) to the off-peak hours before 2 p.m. or after 8 p.m., the TOU-D rate plan may help you reduce your overall annual electricity costs.
Visit our Time-of-Use Residential Rate Plan page for details about how TOU rates work. You can also download our Residential Time-of-Use Fact Sheet to learn more about how TOU rates may help you save. TOU rate: (we can send customers the residential TOU page for more information) Time-Of- Use-Residential-Rate-PlansTime-Of- Use-Residential-Rate-Plans.