Cuando tienes un negocio, cada dólar cuenta. Como usuario, tienes derecho de saber exactamente qué sucede con tu servicio y tarifas de electricidad, especialmente cuando estas últimas aumentan. Nos esforzamos por contener de la manera más razonable posible los aumentos en las tarifas y no te pedimos que hagas nada que no estemos dispuestos a hacer nosotros mismos. De hecho, a fin de reducir nuestros gastos de operación y mantenimiento, estamos implementando programas de eficiencia en toda la empresa.

When you're running a business, every dollar counts. As a customer, you have the right to know exactly what's going on with your utility and rates.
How You Spend Your Energy Is Important
Faced with an ever-changing economy, businesses of all sizes and types are finding creative ways to improve energy efficiency and lower costs. SCE can help, with an array of tools designed to fit your specific needs: from case studies, showing how other businesses are saving energy, to valuable tips on making your workplace more energy-efficient, to alternative payment plans for more flexibility, we’re there for you.
3 Steps to Efficiency & Savings for your business
How Rates Are Set
Rates are set through a transparent process of proceedings with the California Public Utilities Commission, the body that regulates SCE and other investor-owned electric utilities in the state. It includes public input and participation, and all investor-owned utilities use this same process.
Late Payment Charges
A bill becomes past due 19 calendar days from the date it was prepared, at which point late payment charges are assessed. To avoid penalties, always pay bills on time.
Detailed Rate Information
Each rate is made up of the Utility Retained Generation (URG) factor. Complete, detailed pricing information is also available in SCE's Tariff Book.
Important Definitions
Some rate schedules have "demand charges" which enable us to meet customers’ peak power demands. These are in addition to energy charges, but the energy charges are lower than those on rate plans without demand charges. Demand charges are:
1. Facilities Related Demand (FRD) charges apply to all times throughout the year and are calculated per kilowatt (kW) according to the highest recorded demand during each monthly billing period, regardless of season, day of week, or time of day.
2. Time Related Demand (TRD) charges apply to all times throughout the year and are calculated per kW according to the highest recorded demand during On-Peak and Mid-Peak TOU periods, weekdays excluding weekends and holidays. On-Peak TRD charges applied during the summer and Mid-Peak TRD charges are applied during the winter.
For some customers, rates with demand charges may offer some customers opportunities to reduce their electricity bills. If you would like more information about rates, including how to qualify, please call us at 1-800-990-7788 (the name of your current rate plans is indicated on the top of your bill).
Where Your Money Goes
You’ll see our crews in your community making upgrades to the grid, such as replacing poles to strengthen our lines and make them more reliable. They’re also repairing lines, transformers, and substations, and working around the clock during emergencies.
Here's a breakdown of how each dollar we receive from customers is spent:

- 48¢ Generation Cost of energy sources, including solar, wind and natural gas, and generation SCE owns, including hydro and natural gas plants.
- 36¢ Distribution Grid maintenance and new equipment, including poles and wires, and substations.
- 9¢ Transmission Investment in operations & maintenance for high-voltage transmission lines.
- 3¢ Paying off long term contracts from the energy crisis.
- 4¢ Programs including those for energy efficiency and to protect low income customers.
This breakdown shows our costs to serve business customers and implement state policies. It is based on calculations for october 2018