Getting Started
Ready to start generating your own power? There are important decisions you’ll need to make and specific steps required to get interconnected. We will help you understand how to navigate the process from installation to billing.
Net Energy Metering 101
We offer customers who produce their own electricity through an eligible renewable distributed generation system a rate option called Net Energy Metering (NEM). The NEM option allows you to receive a credit for the surplus electricity you supply to the electric grid. This credit will then be applied to your energy bill, to offset all or part of the costs associated with the energy you consume each month. Your contractor can help you navigate permits and approvals for your system, and we can get you connected to the grid, and reprogram your meter or install a new one compatible with NEM.
Are You Eligible?>
In order to enroll in NEM, you need to meet certain criteria. To start, you need to install renewable energy system using one of the following: solar photovoltaic, wind, fuel cell, biogas, biomass, digester gas, geothermal, hydroelectric (up to 30MW), landfill gas, municipal solid waste conversion, ocean thermal, ocean wave, solar thermal, tidal current. There are also a number of eligibility requirements: you’ll need to size your system to offset all or part of your energy usage from the previous 12 months, install an approved system, complete necessary documentation and receive Permission to Operate (PTO).

Net Energy Metering: Getting Started | Select & Install | Submit Documents | Permission to Operate | Understanding Your Bill | FAQ