Our Rate Plan Comparison tool lets you see how your current energy costs compare to other optional rate plans. The rate analysis generated by this tool will help you better understand which rate plan may be best for your business. Choose from the commonly asked questions below for more information.
The Rate Plan Comparison Tool uses your historical usage data to compare your current rate to other rate options so that you can choose the plan that best fits your energy needs. With the Rate Plan Comparison Tool, you can request a rate change to any of your eligible rates online.
The Rate Plan Comparison Tool provides cost details for most eligible rates*, comparing monthly costs for your current rate alongside estimated monthly costs for eligible rates, broken out by summer and winter months.
*This rate analysis is intended to compare selected rate schedules and may not include all of your rate options.
You must be a bundled customer with at least 365 days of calendar month interval data and be enrolled in an eligible bundled commercial or agricultural and pumping service rate. If you are a Net Energy Metering (NEM) customer, you must have 365 days of calendar month usage with NEM.
You must be a bundled customer with at least 365 days of calendar month interval data and be enrolled in an eligible bundled commercial or agricultural and pumping service rate. If you are a Net Energy Metering (NEM) customer, you must have 365 days of calendar month usage with NEM.