For more information on power restoration, please visit Extreme Weather Restoration Updates.
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Please note, it may take up to 30 minutes for reported outages to appear on the map.
Due to recent extreme weather affecting parts of SCE’s service area, we are experiencing higher than normal repair work. Our crews are working tirelessly to restore power in the affected areas. Please note that some portions of the affected areas are not yet safe, and status updates may not be available at this time.
For the latest information, please search by address.
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請提供更多資訊,讓我們助您擷取您所在地點更準確的停電資料。 請 查看目前停電的詳細結果。
最近更新時間: 沒有
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您可以透過加州 211 網路 (我們的免費、保密、全天候服務合作夥伴) 獲得食品資源和計劃。 撥打 (211)、上網 ( 或發送簡訊「PSPS」至 (211211)。
要找到您附近的緊急或臨時冷卻中心位置,請查看下面的當地城市和縣資源。 請先聯繫冷卻中心以確認可用性、營業時間和地址,因為這些詳細信息可能會根據天氣狀況而有所不同。 請記住,在過熱的時候保持涼爽和水分至關重要。