Extreme Weather Restoration Update
Our thoughts are with everyone impacted by the extreme weather event. As of Tues. 1/14, 12 a.m., 68,400 customers are without power. PSPS numbers will continually change as field reports and system updates are completed. For the latest outage updates, including your outage status, please visit our Outage Look Up Tool.
For more information on power restoration, please visit Extreme Weather Restoration Updates.

Green Rates

The volume of interest for both the 50% and 100% Green Rate program has exceeded the amount of capacity available from approved Green Rate resources. In the 4th Quarter of 2022, SCE launched a new request for offers for additional generation to support the increasing interest in the Green Rate program. Until new Green Rate resources are contracted, or otherwise ordered, or authorized by the Commission, SCE will maintain a waitlist from customers interested in participating in the Green Rate program. As capacity becomes available, SCE will enroll customers onto the Green Rate on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, or to be added to the waitlist, email greenrate@sce.com.

Good For The Environment and For You

The Green Rate gives you the opportunity to purchase renewable energy. If you can’t install solar panels on your roof, this might be an easy solution for you to participate in solar without having to install or maintain solar panels. By participating in the Green Rate, you help support local solar power, reduce your greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity, and help play a key role in creating a cleaner, healthier environment.

To support this effort, we purchase additional renewable energy to meet the needs of Green Rate participants from solar renewable developers within our service territory. This is a voluntary program available to both Residential and Business energy users who receive power generation, metering, and related services from us, i.e. “bundled service”.

Your Home


Currently, SCE is not taking enrollments because interest has exceeded capacity.

  • You may select your level of participation:
    Option 1: 50% of your energy usage will be used to fund solar energy sources
    Option 2: 100% of your energy usage will be used to fund solar energy sources
  • Energy costs are estimated to be 4.15 cents lower for each kilowatt hour (kWh) of usage that is served on the Green Rate 
  • You may de-enroll from the Green Rate at any time without penalty

View our Green Rate Fact Sheet to learn more

The table below provides estimated additional monthly fees users may pay depending upon the option selected.

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Your Business


Currently, SCE is not taking enrollments because interest has exceeded capacity.

  • You may select your level of participation:
    Option 1: 50% of your energy usage will be used to fund solar energy sources Option 2: 100% of your energy usage will be used to fund solar energy sources
  • Energy costs are estimated to be 4.75* cents lower per kWh for TOU-GS-1 customers; and from .08 cents to 3.35 cents lower per kWh  for all other business customers depending on your rate schedule, and 2.97 cents lower per kWh for Street Lighting.
  • For example, a small commercial customer with a monthly average usage of 782 kWh/month, you would receive a credit of $18.58 each month under the 50% participation option and a credit of $37.16 each month under the 100% participation option.
  • You may de-enroll from the Green Rate at any time without penalty
  • * Credits are subject to change, based on usage or future rate changes.

View our Green Rate Fact Sheet to learn more

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How the Green Rate Works

Renewable Resources
Electric Grid
Your Home
Your Business
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Green Rate Charges and Credits

Charges and credits are updated annually as part of SCE’s Energy Resource Recovery Account (ERRA) proceeding, and credits may also be updated when there is a substantial change to the generated revenue requirement. View more information regarding the current GTSR Rate Components here in Advice Letter 5178_E. To determine your green rate premium, find the rate you are on under the “Rate” column and the corresponding premium total is the cost that will be added to your rate base cost.

* Premium total in table is reflective of 100% enrollment. To determine 50% enrollment, take your kWhx50%xpremium total.

Class Average Generation Credit

The amount credited is what an energy consumer would have paid if they did not select the Green Rate. This is an average cost per kWh.

Renewable Value Adjustment (Time of Delivery Adjustment)

The renewable energy that is purchased is delivered during the day, but most people tend to use more energy at night when prices are higher. This adjustment accounts for the difference.

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Renewable Power Rate

This is the cost of the renewable power that is procured.

CAISO Grid and WREGIS Charges

CAISO grid management charges include energy usage, energy transmission, and reliability service costs and charges that are allocated by the CAISO. For Green Rate, these charges also include market services, system operations and congestion revenue rights service charges and costs, as well as eligible intermittent resources forecast fee. The WREGIS charges include fees for registration, tracking and retirement of renewable energy credits (RECs) associated with generation used to serve Green Rate participants.

Resource Adequacy

This adjustment ensures that there are sufficient generating resources and margin available for anticipated system and local load. This adjustment also accounts for the value associated with the power supplied by the Green Rate facilities.

Renewables Integration Cost

The Renewable Integration Charge includes costs associated with integrating new renewable resources with the grid.

Program Administration Charge

This is the incremental per customer cost to run this specific program. Costs can include labor, set-up costs, etc.

Marketing, Education, and Outreach Charge

The per customer cost of promoting the Green Rate program.

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Indifference Adjustment

The Indifference Adjustment is a rate component intended to ensure that Green Rate Program participants pay for the above-market costs of resources procured on their behalf prior to taking service on the Green Rate Program, and to prevent cost-shifting between Green Rate Program participants and non-participants. The Indifference Adjustment is made up of the Power Charge Indifference Adjustment and the Competition Transition Charge. Based on the date you are enrolled in the Green Rate, you are assigned a particular year, or “vintage”. The vintage will remain constant for as long as you receive service on this schedule. Even if you move, you will retain your same vintage at your new location (provided you move within our service territory and elect to be served on the Green Rate when establishing your new service account). The actual amount of each Indifference Adjustment is updated annually on July 1. If you sign up prior to July 1, you will be placed on the previous years’ vintage. After July 1, you will be placed on this year’s vintage. Therefore, if you enroll in the Green Rate effective June 1, 2023, you will be on the 2022 vintage. For more details on these components, please view Schedule CCA-CRS.

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 *Note: CAISO Grid charge was restructured in 2012. Prior year data is not comparable.
Indifference Rate is sum of Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) and Competition Transition Charge (CTC), based on Original Vintage.

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The 20-year forecast of credits and charges shown here is based on a methodology ordered by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for use by the state’s three large investor-owned utilities. The forecasts are provided to illustrate potential future changes to the credits and charges to help you evaluate your intended participation in the GTSR program. As the CPUC acknowledged in D.16-05-006, an estimate of GTSR credits and charges for 20 years (or even 5 to 10 years) is challenging and unlikely to be accurate. Moreover, the 20-year forecasts shown here are not necessarily representative of SCE-specific forecasts of rate components. SCE can neither predict nor guarantee any actual cost savings or increases due to changes to these credits and charges, and such changes will affect actual costs.

Please contact SCE for more information about this forecast. If you have an SCE account representative, please contact your SCE account representative for more information about this forecast or your available rate options.

2024 Green Rate Forecast


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Green Rate provides the opportunity to purchase all or part of the energy consumed from renewable resources. To support this effort, SCE purchases energy from renewable sources on behalf of Green Rate participants. A premium or discount is applied to each kilowatt hour (kWh) of usage that is served on the Green Rate.

  • Participation in the Green Rate program is subject to availability.
  • Rates are subject to change, pending decisions of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).
  • Green Rate is offered exclusively to Bundled Service Customers of Record.
  • SCE reserves the right to select any Application for inspection/verification, and to reject any incomplete Applications. If an Application is selected for inspection/verification, additional time may be required before participation in the Green Rate program begins.
  • Supporting documentation for incomplete applications, where required, must be received within 30 days of submitting an application. Only the Customer of Record may submit an application.
  • Once eligibility has been confirmed, enrollment in the Green Rate program begins on the Next Scheduled Read Date (the date your electric meter is read by SCE).
  • The Green Rate offers a choice of two different participation levels of renewable energy, 50% and 100%. Two participation level changes (from 50% to 100% or from 100% to 50%) are allowable per 12-month period
  • I may de-enroll from Green Rate at any time, without penalty. If I de-enroll from Green Rate, I may not re-enroll for a minimum of 12 months.
  • SCE Customer information is kept confidential in accordance with CPUC guidelines. However, SCE reserves the right to disclose statistical data as required by the CPUC.
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