Time-of-Use (TOU) Pilot Study
The California Public Utilities Commission asked us to test new TOU rate plans. The study is being conducted in preparation for the anticipated 2019 transition to residential TOU rate plans that vary based on the season, time of day, and day of week.
A select group of residential energy users are invited to participate in the TOU Pilot Study. This study will help us to design future rate plans and provide people like you with the opportunity to try new and different rates.
The information and knowledge gained from the study will help with efforts to design Time-of-Use (TOU) rate plans that are easier to understand, more reflective of actual costs, and encourage energy management to help people potentially lower their bills. You have been selected to participate based on geographic and demographic criteria required for this study.
Only those who were invited may participate in this study.
There are three primary reasons you may want to consider participating in this research study:
- Your participation can help shape how residential energy users are charged for electricity in the future.
- You can try a new rate plan with more flexibility and control allowing you to potentially lower your annual electricity costs by shifting some of your electricity usage to the lower-priced time periods.
- As a volunteer in the study, you will be compensated in the form of bill credits for your participation.
Unlike your current rate plan, which provides a tiered pricing structure where the price increases based on your total usage over the billing period, TOU rate plans offer different pricing based on the season, time of day, and day of the week you use electricity. With a TOU rate plan you will have the option to take more control over what you pay for electricity, based on when and how much you use. If you can shift some of your electricity usage to take advantage of the lower off-peak rates, you have the ability to lower your overall electricity costs.