All About EV Charging
We’ve put together a fun, 90-second video all about EV charging. Whether you’re at home or on the road, charging is easier than ever! We have resources to help you find the charging system for your home, and we’re expanding our public charging station network so you can charge at more locations throughout Southern California.
Learn about the variety of charging station equipment available, including Level 1 and Level 2 chargers.
Working with Your Electrician
Home Charging Installation
Make sure your home is EV ready. You’ll need a licensed electrician to install a Level 2 charging station. Even if you plan to use a Level 1 charging cord, it’s a good idea to have a certified electrician inspect your home’s electrical wiring before your first charge.
Take Advantage of Rebates
If you install a Level 2 (L2) EV charger within 120 days of getting your EV, you might qualify for a $4,200 rebate. Learn more about the Charge Ready Home Rebate Program.

Things to Discuss
- The type of EV you have
- Where you’ll park your EV
- The type and speed of charger you want
- The length of your charging cord

What Are the Costs?
- Level 2 charging stations start around $400
- Installations often run $400-$1,500 (plus the cost of electrical panel upgrades if required)
- Find out how to qualify for a $4,200 rebate

When To Charge
We offer plans with lower rates during certain times of the day. Check out your options and discover how to get the most value when you charge your EV.

Charging Solutions for Multi-Family Properties
Are you living in an apartment or condo and wondering how to charge your electric vehicle? SCE's Charge Ready programs offer tailored solutions for multi-family properties. Whether you're a resident or a property owner, we have resources and incentives to help bring EV charging to your community.
Explore Your Options:
- Compare & Choose Programs: Find the right program for your property and see how you can participate. Learn More.
- Watch the Video: Discover how Charge Ready is making EV charging accessible for multi-family homes. Watch now.
- Tools & Resources: Get detailed information on available incentives, installation support, and more. Explore resources.
Make charging convenient, accessable, and sustainable for your community with SCE's support.
EV Charging Station Submeter Billing
SCE customers will soon have the option to have their EV charging separately measured and billed under a Time-of-Use (TOU) rate plan.

Submeter Billing Option Information Sheet
Find information about SCE’s soon to be available EV charging submeter billing option. Learn More

SCE Approved Submeter Equipment
Only SCE-approved submetering equipment can be used under the submeter billing option. The Approved submeter Product List (APL) provides a complete listing of approved metering equipment (embedded within or external to the EV charging equipment) that’s eligible for purchase and installation. Learn More

SCE Approved MDMAs
Only SCE-approved Meter Data Management Agents (MDMA) can provide submeter data services to participating customers. This list will continue to expand as new MDMAs choose to enroll to provide submeter data services. Learn More

Find a Public Charging Station
Find a public charging station, whether you’re running errands or taking a road trip. Our charging station locator tool can help you find one near you. SCE is committed to making public charging easier for everyone with our programs dedicated to expanding access to public charging over the next several years.
Frequently Asked Questions
Most Electric Vehicles (EVs) will charge at one of two charging levels at home.
*Charge time is influenced by electric miles driven, maximum charge rates, and battery capacity.
There is a uniform “connector” standard for Level 1 and Level 2 charging. Most EVs currently on the market, or due to launch over the next several years, comply with this standard.
Solar customers are eligible for the same rate options as all other EV customers. The electricity generated from a solar energy system could help offset EV charging costs, depending on the system’s efficiency, the weather, and other factors.
EV charging will increase your monthly bill, but you will likely cut your gasoline costs. The amount of your bill will depend on your electricity rate plan, your current monthly electrical use, how much you charge your EV, and the time of day you charge. Keep in mind, electricity rates are higher in summer than in winter. To manage your costs, choose a Time-Of-Use (TOU) rate that lowers charging costs during evening, night, and morning hours, and schedule your electricity use accordingly.
Installation costs will vary significantly, based on the type of installation you select (standard outlet or charging station), and any other equipment and electrical work required at your home. Charging station location and metering arrangements may also affect your initial costs.
Since apartment and condo parking is typically located in shared or common areas, check with your landlord or Home Owners Association (HOA) before you consider installing an EV charging station. SCE is also working directly with property managers across its territory to install thousands of charging stations at apartment complexes over the next several years.
SCE customers will soon have the option to purchase and install a separate meter (submeter) embedded within, or external to their EV charging equipment. The submeter billing option, following approval by the CPUC, will enable customers to separately measure the energy consumption associated with EV charging equipment and receive a dedicated monthly bill.
1) Click here to download our EV Charging – Submeter Billing Option Information Sheet EV Charging – Submeter Billing Option Information Sheet.
2) Partner with an approved Meter Data Management Agent. Only SCE-approved Meter Data Management Agents (MDMA) SCE-approved Meter Data Management Agents (MDMA).
3) Review the list of SCE approved submeter enabled equipment. Only SCE-approved submetering equipment can be used under the submeter billing option. View our Submeter Approved Product List Approved Product List (APL). for a complete listing of approved metering equipment (embedded within or external to the EV charging equipment) that’s eligible for installation.
Have any additional questions? You can send an email to SCE's team at
Save Costs When You Go Green

Explore Rebates and Incentives