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NBC Universal 66kV Project

Southern California Edison (SCE) is proposing to construct the NBC Universal 66kV Project to help provide additional redundant capacity for NBC Universal as part of their NBC Universal Evolution Plan.

City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Burbank, and Beverly Hills.

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The project will primarily consist of:

  • Subtransmission Line Work – Install approximately three miles of underground MacNeil-Studio 66 kilovolt (kV) subtransmission line
  • Substation Work – Upgrades (Studio Substation) or minor modifications at existing SCE substations (Beverly, MacNeil, and Universal substations)
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SCE plans to file a project application with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).

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Expose as Block

For general information about this project, please call our toll-free project hotline at (866) 977-3487.

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