Providing Long Term Reliability To Our Customers
The Moorpark-Newbury 66 kV Subtransmission Line Project will ensure the availability of reliable electric service to meet our customers’ needs in portions of Thousand Oaks and adjacent areas of unincorporated Ventura County.
Thousand Oaks, Moorpark, and unincorporated Ventura County.
The Moorpark-Newbury project consists of constructing a new nine mile segment of 66 kV subtransmission line between Moorpark Substation in Moorpark and Newbury Substation in Thousand Oaks. It involves both the construction of new facilities and replacement and reconductoring (rewiring) of existing facilities within existing utility right-of-way.
We submitted an application for a Permit to Construct to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in October 2013.
- Fall 2016: SCE received a Permit to Construct on Aug. 24, 2016.
- 4th Quarter 2016: Construction expected to begin.
- October 2017: Project completed and in-service.