我們的付款方式簡單,方便和安全。 選擇最適合您的一種。

- 致電 1-800-655-4555,透過電話完成一次性付款
- 致電 1-800-877-8600,透過電話付款儲存您的銀行資訊以供未來使用
- 無手續費

Southern California Edison
P.O. Box 600
Rosemead, CA 91771-0001
Southern California Edison
P.O. Box 300
Rosemead, CA 91772-0001
- 接受支票或匯票。
- 付款時出示帳單存根
- 款項入帳時間約 2-5 個工作日。

- 尋找付款服務授權代理
- 接受現金、支票或匯票
- 無手續費

- 我們接受含匯款明細的 ACH / EFT 付款。必須使用 CTX 或 CCD+ 格式的 EDI 820 匯款檔案,透過銀行傳送付款和明細。必須是商業用戶才能參與。
- 請傳送電子郵件至electpay@sce.com 聯絡我們的 EDI 付款部門並提供以下資訊:
- SCE 用戶帳號
- 公司名稱
- 聯絡人姓名
- 聯絡電話號碼

What is a digital wallet?
A digital wallet is an app or online service that allows you to link your credit cards, debit cards, and bank accounts into a digital system for making electronic payments. Currently, SCE accepts the following digital wallets for payment: Venmo, PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay.
Which digital wallets does SCE accept?
Venmo, PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay.
Can I use a digital wallet as my default payment method?
Yes. You may set it as your default payment method when you add a digital wallet to your account through the JP Morgan Chase processing system.
Can I use a digital wallet to set up Auto Pay?
No. At this time, you can only set up Auto Pay with your checking account within My Account.
Why do I need to pay a convenience fee?
The convenience fee is charged by JP Morgan Chase for using their secure payment processing system and applies to all digital wallet, credit card, and debit card payments. SCE does not receive or benefit from the fee, which cannot be waived.