欲知與供應中斷或不足有關的完整內容,請瀏覽收費表規則 14 – 供應不足和交付中斷。/p>
Our policy is to respond to claims promptly and fairly and to make the process easy for you. In evaluating your claim, we may review records, interview witnesses or employees, and perform a technical evaluation. You can help by providing thorough and accurate information and documentation.
We evaluate each claim individually and determine the following:
Our goal is to decide on most claims within 30 days of receipt. However, the process may take longer when complex issues are involved, when further information is needed, or when extenuating circumstances are present. Once our investigation is complete, we will contact you with our conclusion.
If Edison accepts responsibility for damage to a customer's personal property, it will compensate the customer for the least expensive repair, fair market value, or replacement. For items that are not new and cannot be repaired, fair market value is determined by the estimated value the item would have had just before the damage occurred.
欲知與供應中斷或不足有關的完整內容,請瀏覽收費表規則 14 – 供應不足和交付中斷。/p>
提出索賠時,首先要收集所有支援文件;確保留存您提交的任何文件的原件。為方便起見,您有 2 種方式向我們申請索賠:
電子郵件: claims@sce.com
傳真: (626) 569-2573
美國郵政: Southern California Edison Company, Attn: Claims Department, P.O. Box 900, Rosemead, CA 91770
我們致力於為用戶服務。無論您出於何種原因需要 申請索賠, 我們都將幫助您儘可能輕鬆快速地完成申請和評估流程。1-800-251-3311
Español (Spanish) 1-800-441-2233
한국어 (Korean) 1-800-628-3061
中文 (Chinese) 1-800-843-8343
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) 1-800-327-3031
Cambodian: 1-800-843-1309
我們會詳細審核所有索賠。如果您的索賠被拒,我們將說明拒絕原因。您隨時有權提起民事訴訟,包括小額索賠訴訟。對於財產損壞,申請索賠的訴訟時效為 3 年,對於人身傷害,訴訟時效為 2 年。
如果您與 SCE 存在無法解決的帳單糾紛,則可向加州公用事業委員會提交投訴。CPUC 頒布了與索賠處理有關的一般規則,但不會針對單個索賠的是非曲直作出裁決。有關 CPUC 作用的更多資訊,請撥打 1-800-649-7570 或造訪 www.cpuc.ca.gov.
English: 1-800-655-4555
ESPAÑOL: 1-800-441-2233
한국어: 1-800-628-3061
中文: 1-800-843-8343
TIẾNG VIỆT: 1-800-327-3031
Cambodian: 1-800-843-1309