Be Prepared for Potential Emergencies

An emergency can happen at any time. You can help your family be prepared for any emergency situation with a safety preparedness plan, some basic supplies, and advance planning. Whether a storm, an earthquake, a wildfire, or a flood comes our way, preparedness will help everyone cope better and stay safer.
If you depend on electrically-powered medical equipment, plan to have a backup power source. You may be eligible for SCE’s Medical Baseline program. Learn about the program and how to apply at

Prepare Your Business
We work hard to prevent power outages, but they do happen occasionally. If you experience an outage at your business, here are some emergency preparedness tips.

Prepare Your Home
A little planning and preparation can pay off and help keep your family safe. Start by learning how to use your home’s fuse and breaker boxes, and invest in surge protectors to protect your electronics if power goes out. Be sure they’re properly rated for your electronics.

Supply Kit: What You Need
Keep basic necessities on hand — from medical prescriptions to canned goods. It’s the first step in being ready for an emergency. Keep a supply of essentials in an easily-accessible location, so you’ll be able to get to them quickly, even in the dark. Here’s what you’ll need:

Be Prepared for Power Outages
When power outages occur, it’s always good to be prepared. Whether it's a maintenance outage or an outage from an unexpected storm, here are some tips to help you prepare and lessen the impact until the lights come back on.
Preparing for an outage is easier than you think. Stocking up on a few supplies and planning ahead can help you stay safe and comfortable.

Public Safety Power Shutoffs
When there are extreme and potentially dangerous weather conditions, we may need to call a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event. During these events, we will proactively turn off power in high fire risk areas to reduce the threat of wildfires. Turning off our customers’ power is not something we take lightly, but PSPS events are one of the ways we can better ensure the safety of the public, our customers, and our employees.

Our parent company, Edison International, is partnering with the American Red Cross to increase emergency preparedness throughout Southern California. Our joint effort, PrepareSoCal will help save lives by teaching people how to stay safe and how to respond to emergencies. We encourage you and your loved ones to “Get a Kit. Make a Plan. Be Informed."