Welcome to Our Energy Education Centers for Businesses
Providing information, tools, and resources to help you make better energy decisions.
Our Energy Education Centers (EEC) in Irwindale and Tulare offer a wide range of resources to teach you how to make better energy decisions for your home or business. Visit us to learn about the latest in energy management and efficiency technologies through interactive displays and exhibits, technical consultations, classes, workshops, and events.
Irwindale Energy Education Center
At SCE’s Energy Education Center – Irwindale, we have a full-scale, operational demonstration home you can visit for an interactive learning experience. Whether you are a homeowner or renter looking to remodel or upgrade, or a builder, architect, contractor, or developer working on your next project.

Tulare Energy Education Center
The Energy Education Center – Tulare provides the latest information, tools, and resources to help Central California residents and businesses – including manufacturers, farmers, dairies, and food processors – make better energy decisions.

Online Training, Certification Classes & More
Join our email list to get more. Keep up to date with the latest classes available at our Energy Education Centers. Sign up for a class today!
Energy Education Classes Online
Not sure where to start? Stay ahead of the game while learning the latest technologies and trends in clean energy from seasoned industry professionals and experts within their fields. Learn from the comfort of your home or office. In a few simple steps, you can register for our online classes.
Class Categories & Descriptions
Advance your career in Clean Energy. If you are a student entering the energy field, a business owner, an engineer, an architect, a technician, or a trade professional in the industry, you can discover classes that can help you manage your energy usage.
The Smart Energy Experience®
SCE’s interactive Smart Energy Experience® exhibits and labs provide a look at the home of tomorrow, including how smart grid technologies function as part of an automated, intelligent power delivery system to help create a smarter, cleaner, more reliable energy future.

General Information
Located at SCE’s Energy Education Center in Irwindale, the Smart Energy Experience® is a full-scale, operational demonstration home. Visitors can walk through displays and gain a better understanding of how the building itself, along with smart technology can be used to manage energy use, lower costs, decrease their carbon footprint, and reduce grid demand.

Technical Information
Visitors take guided or self-guided tours of the Smart Energy Experience®, and walk through a full, simulated day in a home demonstrating the latest in energy-saving opportunities. We developed an interactive 3-D, life-size Residential High-Performance Envelope Display to provide a view of the actual materials needed to construct high-performance walls and attics in compliance with current and future energy codes.
Our Technology Centers for Business

Technology Test Center
We test a variety of technologies in versatile, controlled environments that mirror real-world conditions and customer experiences. Our findings are used by SCE customers, policymakers, and utility programs to make informed decisions regarding the investment and application of cleaner technologies.

Foodservice Technology Center
We are cooking up savings in our Foodservice Technology Center (FTC). Our FTC is a one-of-a-kind demonstration kitchen that highlights the latest energy-efficient commercial food service equipment and technologies for your restaurant or food service facility.
Try Our Tool Lending Library
Need a tool for an upcoming project? Borrow a tool from SCE for up to 2 weeks for FREE. Our Tool Lending Library Program has more than 400 tools available - you can test, troubleshoot, or analyze equipment usage and have your project completed in no time. Contact us at tools@sce.com for more information.