Kern River No. 3 Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2290)
Last Updated November 2024
Final License Application Filed November 22, 2024
On November 22, 2024, in accordance with Section 15(c)(1) of the Federal Power Act (FPA) and sections 5.17(a) and 5.18 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) Integrated Licensing Process regulations, SCE filed an Application for License for Major Project – Existing Dam (License Application or FLA) for the Kern River No. 3 Hydroelectric Project (Project), FERC Project No. 2290. The public documents as part of the FLA filing are provided on this webpage below and can also be accessed on FERC's public website under docket P-2290.
Please use this page to find out how to get involved and stay up to date. Note, use this updated link to access the North Fork Kern River Preliminary Flow Information Website.
To receive timely and direct communication from FERC regarding all filings associated with the KR3 Project (Docket No. P-2290), follow the directions to register for an “eSubscription” at https://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/esubscription.asp.
Below are links to Project-related materials, notifications, and documentation (provided as PDFs). This page will be updated throughout the relicensing process as new materials become available or are updated.
Below are links to Project-related materials, notifications, and documentation (provided as PDFs). This page will be updated throughout the relicensing process as new materials become available or are updated.

Upcoming Meetings
No meetings at this time.
All documents related to the KR3 Project can be found on FERC’s eLibrary using this website (Docket No. P-2290). Links to relevant documents can also be accessed below.
- SCE’s Updated Study Report Meeting
- Meeting Report Summary
KR3 Final License Application (public information)
- Cover Letter and Distribution List
- Volume I
- Volume II
- Part 1 of 4 : Exhibit E, Environmental Exhibit and Appendix E.1, Proposed Environmental Measures and Management and Monitoring Plans
- Part 2 of 4, Exhibit E, Appendix E.2, Resource Technical Memorandum
- Part 3 of 4, Exhibit E, Appendix E.2, Resource Technical Memorandum
- Part 4 of 4, Exhibit E Appendix E.3, Consultation Documentation and Appendix E.4, Response to Comments
- SCE’s Updated Study Report
- Cover Letter
- Updated Study Report
- Supporting Technical Memorandum
- WR-1 Water Quality Technical Memorandum
- WR-2 Hydrology Technical Memorandum
- BIO-1 Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog Technical Memorandum
- BIO-4 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Technical Memorandum
- Addendum to REC-1 Whitewater Boating Interim Technical Memorandum: Level 3 Single Slow Survey Results
- REC-1 Whitewater Boating Final Level 3: Intensive Study
- REC-2 Recreation Facilities Use Assessment Final Technical Memorandum
- REC-2 Recreation Facilities Use Assessment Camera Study Plan
- LAND-1 Road Condition Assessment Technical Memorandum
- Addendum to OPS-1 Water Conveyance Assessment Technical Memorandum: Tunnel Stability
- AES-1 Aesthetic Flow Technical Memorandum
- ANG-1 Enjoyable Angling Flows Technical Memorandum
Kern River No. 3 Project Draft License Application (Public Information)
Cover Letter and Distribution List
Volume I (public)
Volume II (public)
- Exhibit E, Environmental Exhibit
- Exhibit E, Appendix E.1, Proposed Environmental Measures, Management Plans and Programs
- Exhibit E, Appendix E.2, Resource Technical Memorandum
- WR -1 Water Quality Interim Technical Memorandum (October 2023)
- WR-2 Hydrology Interim Technical Memorandum (October 2023)
- BIO-1 Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Interim Technical Memorandum (October 2023)
- BIO-2 Special-Status Salamanders Technical Memorandum (October 2023)
- BIO-3 General Wildlife Resources Technical Memorandum (October 2023)
- BIO-4 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Technical Memorandum (July 2024)
- BIO-5 Western Pond Turtle Technical Memorandum (October 2023)
- BIO-6 Stream Habitat Typing Technical Memorandum (October 2023)
- BOT-1 General Botanical Resources Technical Memorandum (October 2023)
- REC-1 Whitewater Boating Interim Technical Memorandum; (October 2023)
- REC-1 Whitewater Boating Level 1 Structured Interview Analysis (March 1, 2024)
- Addendum to REC-1 Whitewater Boating Interim Technical Memorandum: Level 3 Single Flow Survey Results (March 2024)
- REC-2 Recreation Facilities Use Assessment Interim Technical Memorandum (July 2024)
- REC-3 Existing Recreation Facilities Condition Assessment Technical Memorandum (October 2023)
- GEO-1 Erosion and Sedimentation Interim Technical Memorandum (October 2023)
- LAND-1 Road Condition Assessment Technical Memorandum (July 2024)
- OPS-1 Water Conveyance Assessment Interim Technical Memorandum (October 2023)
- Addendum to OPS-1 Water Conveyance Interim Technical Memorandum: Tunnel Stability (March 2024)
- AES-1 Aesthetic Flow Technical Memorandum (July 2024)
- ANG-1 Enjoyable Angling Flows Technical Memorandum (July 2024)
- EJ-1 Environmental Justice Interim Technical Memorandum (October 2023)
- 2023 Fish Population Study (March 2024)
- Exhibit E, Appendix E.3, Consultation Documentation
- FERC’s Determination on Requests for Study Modification and New Studies
- SCE’s Initial Study Report – Additional Response to Comments
- SCE’s Addendum to Initial Study Report (REC-1 Whitewater Boating and REC-2 Recreation Facilities Use Assessment, and OPS-1 Water Conveyance Assessment)
- SCE’s Request to File Additional Study Results (REC-1 Whitewater Boating and REC-2 Recreation Facilities Use Assessment)
- SCE’s 2023 Fish Population Monitoring Report (Current FERC License Article 411)
- SCE’s Initial Study Report (ISR) Response to Comments
- SCE’s Response to FERC’s November 9, 2023 Additional Information Request (AIR)
- SCE’s Initial Study Report (ISR) Meeting Summary
- SCE’s Initial Study Report
- Cover Letter and Distribution List
- Att. B Technical Study Plan Implementation Summary
- Att. C Revised Technical Study Plan Implementation Schedule
- Att. D WR -1 Water Quality Interim Technical Memorandum
- Att. E WR-2 Hydrology Interim Technical Memorandum
- Att. F BIO-1 Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Interim Technical Memorandum
- Att. G BIO-2 Special-Status Salamanders Technical Memorandum
- Att. H BIO-3 General Wildlife Resources Technical Memorandum
- Att. I BIO-4 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Interim Technical Memorandum
- Att. J BIO-5 Western Pond Turtle Technical Memorandum
- Att. K BIO-6 Stream Habitat Typing Technical Memorandum
- Att. L BOT-1 General Botanical Resources Technical Memorandum
- Att. M REC-1 Whitewater Boating Interim Technical Memorandum
- Att. N REC-2 Recreation Facilities Use Assessment Interim Technical Memorandum
- Att. O REC-3 Existing Recreation Facilities Condition Assessment Technical Memorandum
- Att. P CUL-1 Cultural Resource Interim Technical Memorandum
- Att. Q TRI-1 Tribal Resource Interim Technical Memorandum
- Att. R LAND-1 Road Condition Assessment Interim Technical Memorandum
- Att. S GEO-1 Erosion and Sedimentation Interim Technical Memorandum
- Att. T OPS-1 Water Conveyance Assessment Interim Technical Memorandum
- Att. U AES-1 Aesthetic Flows Interim Technical Memorandum
- Att. V ANG-1 Enjoyable Angling Flows Interim Technical Memorandum
- Att. W EJ-1 Environmental Justice Interim Technical Memorandum
The data provided below includes large Excel datasets intended for electronic viewing only. These datasets are not formatted for printing.
- WR-1 Water Quality Study Plan
- WR-2 Hydrology Study Plan
- Hydrology data Water Years 1997-2023: UPDATED
- Excel Version: KR3_Hydrology Dataset_1997-2023.xlsx
- PDF Version: KR3_Hydrology Dataset_WY2023.pdf
- PDF version: KR3_Hydrology Dataset_1997-2021.pdf
- PDF Version: KR3_Hydrology Dataset_WY2022
- Hydrology data Water Years 1997-2023: UPDATED
- REC-1 Whitewater Boating Study Plan
- REC-2 Recreation Facilities Use Assessment Study Plan
- To take a virtual tour of the KR3 Project, click here for the Project Overview video.
- Project Overview Map
- Project Map Book
- Process Plan and Schedule
- FERC Revised Process Plan and Schedule, Attachment A (2-1-2024)
- 10/23/2024 - Updated Study Report Meeting
- 10/17/2023 - Initial Study Report (ISR) Meeting
- 5/26/2021 - Cultural and Tribal TWG Meeting
- 4/29/2021 -TWG Meeting
- 4/22/2021 - Cultural and Tribal TWG Meeting
- 2/18/2021 - Cultural and Tribal TWG Meeting
- 2/11/2021 - Aquatic TWG Meeting
- 2/10/2021 - Recreation and Land Use TWG Meeting
- 2/4/2021 - Terrestrial/Botanical TWG Meeting
- 12/10/2020 -Aquatic TWG Meeting
- 12/9/2020 - Terrestrial/Botanical TWG Meeting
- 12/9/2020 - Recreation and Land Use TWG Meeting
- 12/3/2020 - Cultural and Tribal TWG Meeting
- 11/5/2020 - Terrestrial/Botanical TWG Meeting
- 10/29/2020 - Aquatic TWG Meeting
- 10/29/2020 - Recreation and Land Use TWG Meeting
- 10/1/2020 - Public Open House Kick-Off Meeting
- 8/19/2020 - Informal Joint Agency Meeting
- 4/8/2020 - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Collaboration Meeting
- 4/1/2020 - California State Water Board Collaboration Meeting
- 3/25/2020 - California Department of Fish & Wildlife Collaboration Meeting
- 3/3/2020 - Forest Service Collaboration Meeting

Stay Informed
If you are interested in participating in the relicensing proceeding, please complete the Contact Registration Form and Project Questionnaire. This will ensure you are included on the distribution list and will receive future relicensing communications and meeting notifications.
Register online here to be notified via e-mail of new FERC filings and issuances related to the KR3 Project. If you have questions regarding this Project, please reach out to the relicensing team via the Contact Us information below or using the relicensing e-mail address: kr3@sce.com.

Reference Documents
- 1991 Final License Application (FLA)
- 1993 Dissolved Oxygen Study
- 1994 Whitewater Study/Evaluation
- 1996 FERC Environmental Assessment
- 1997 Fish Monitoring Study Plan
- 1997 Fish Population Monitoring Extension Request
- 1998 Fish Population Monitoring Results (published 1999)
- 2000 Temperature Monitoring Report and 5-Year Summary Report (published 2001)
- 2002 Temperature Monitoring Report and 5-Year Summary Report (published 2003)
- 2004 Fish Population Monitoring Study Postponement
- 2006 Fish Population Monitoring Results (published 2007)
- 2011 Fish Population Monitoring Results (published 2012)
- 2016 Fish Population Monitoring Results (published 2017)
- 2016 Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog Conservation Assessment in California

Contact Us
Name | Company | Project Role | Address | Phone | |
Wayne Allen | SCE | Principal Manager | 1515 Walnut Grove Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 | wayne.allen@sce.com | 1-626-302-9741 |
Martin Ostendorf | SCE | Senior Manager | PO Box 100 54170 Mtn Spruce Road, P.O. Box 100 Big Creek, CA 93605 | martin.ostendorf@sce.com | 1-559-893-2033 |
Stephanie Fincher | SCE | Licensing Manager/Project Lead | 1515 Walnut Grove Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 | stephanie.fincher@sce.com | 1-559-580-2424 |
Cornelio "Leo" Artienda | SCE | Hydro Licensing/Dam & Public Safety | 1515 Walnut Grove Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 | cornelio.artienda@sce.com | 1-626-302-0328 |
Dan Keverline | SCE | Senior Manager-Operations and Maintenance | Kern 3 Hydro Powerhouse Kernville, CA 93238 | keverlds@sce.com | 1-760-376-3813 |
Quinn Emmering | FERC | Assigned Staff | quinn.emmering@ferc.gov | 1-202-502-6382 |