What is a Distributed Energy Resource Provider (DERP)?
On June 2, 2016, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved California Independent System Operator Corporation’s (CAISO) tariff provisions allowing certain Distributed Energy Resources (DER) to be aggregated to enable them to sell energy and ancillary service in the wholesale market. Distributed Energy Resource Providers (DERPs) are market participants who aggregate eligible DERs in order to participate on the DERs’ behalf in the wholesale market.
CAISO Requirements to Become a DERP
The following requirements have been established by the CAISO in order to become a DERP:
- Execute a Distributed Energy Resource Provider Agreement (DERPA) with the CAISO.
- Have applicable utility distribution company (UDC) concurrence review performed (30-day process).
- Provide a certified Scheduling Coordinator Letter to transact business directly with the CAISO.
- Complete the CAISO New Resource Implementation Process.
Service that a DERP Requires from SCE
- For information about agreement(s) and service that a DERP will need to execute or obtain prior to completing the aggregation process, please contact CAISODERP@sce.com.
- It is recommended that prospective DERPs begin working with SCE to obtain such necessary service well before to the CAISO’s concurrence review process.
This webpage is intended to aid in understanding SCE's DERP requirements, which are evolving and are subject to change. It does not replace the CAISO tariff or any SCE tariff. Please refer to the individual tariffs for a complete listing of terms and conditions of service, which can be viewed online at sce.com/tariffs.