Safety Around Electricity
We use electricity all day, every day, but it can be dangerous. That’s why we encourage you to discuss electricity safety with your loved ones. Our safety tips are designed to help you -- and the people you care about -- stay safe.

Stay Far Away from Power Lines
Any contact with power lines can seriously hurt you or even kill you. Whether you’re skimming the pool, helping a child fly a kite, or positioning a ladder against the house, keep everything and everybody far away from overhead lines.

Everyday Safety Tips
Simple safety practices can help prevent injury. From keeping little fingers out of electrical outlets, to checking power cords for dangers, learn more about how you can help keep your family safe at home.

Your Family’s Safety Kit
Are you prepared for an emergency or a power outage? Every household needs a kit containing fresh water, non-perishable food, a manual can opener, coolers for ice, and most important of all, a safety preparedness plan.

Tree Tips
Trees add beauty to our communities, and their shade helps keep us cool without turning on the A/C. When branches and foliage grow into or near power lines, though, there are safety risks. So consider safety before you plant – it’s important.