Tools & Resources
No matter where you are on your EV purchasing journey, we can help. Check out our collection of resources to learn more about the latest rebates, how to charge your EV, and tips for buying your vehicle.
EV Buying Guide
Use our Buying Guide to help choose the EV that may be best for your lifestyle and needs.
Rate Advisor
See how much you can save per year by switching to an EV and moving to one of our specially- designed Time-of-Use (TOU) rates for EV owners.
Discover How Easy It Is to Charge Your Electric Vehicle
Find a Charging Station Near You
Whether you’re running errands or taking a road trip, public charging stations can help get your EV powered up and back on the road.
Install a Charging Station at Home
Charging your EV at home couldn’t be easier. With a dedicated charging station, you can get back behind the wheel even faster.
Explore Rebates for New and Pre-owned EVs
Discover the ways you can save when you purchase a qualifying pre-owned or new EV.

Pre-Owned EV Rebate
With SCE’s Pre-Owned EV Rebate (POEV), you could receive a $1,000 or $4,000 rebate based on household income. Apply within 180 days from the purchase or lease of a pre-owned EV to determine your eligibility.
Discover More Rebates and Rates
Don’t miss out on the savings. Explore all available rates and rebates, which may vary by ZIP code. There are numerous incentives, rewards, and tax credits available for qualifying vehicles. Use our search tool to find additional rebates in your area.
Special Rate Plans for EV Owners
Save even more when you pair your EV with a Time-Of-Use (TOU) rate plan. When you charge your EV during off-peak hours, you may qualify for lower electricity rates.