Lee Vining Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. P-1388)

Lee Vining (Poole) Powerhouse

Lee Vining (Poole) Powerhouse

Southern California Edison has begun the relicensing process for the Lee Vining Hydroelectric Project. The Pre-Application Document (PAD) was filed with FERC on 12 August 2021. Please use this page to find out how to get involved and stay up to date.

Quick Links


Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming meetings at this time.


Stay Informed

If you are interested in participating in the relicensing proceeding, please complete the Contact Registration Form and Project Questionnaire. This will ensure you are included on the distribution list and will receive future relicensing communications and meeting notifications.

Below are links to project-related materials, notifications, and documentation (provided as PDFs). All documents related to the Lee Vining Project can also be found on FERC’s eLibrary. This page will be updated throughout the relicensing process as new materials become available or are updated.

Register online here to be notified via e-mail of new FERC filings and issuances related to the Lee Vining Project. Follow the online instructions and subscribe to docket number P-1388.


Final License Application

SCE filed the Final License Application (FLA) on January 28, 2025, below are links to the Volumes (provided as PDFs). Note that Volumes IV and V of the Application were filed as Privileged/Confidential and are not included here. All documents related to the Lee Vining Project can also be found on FERC’s eLibrary. The Lee Vining Project is being relicensed under the Traditional Licensing Process (TLP), and the filing of the FLA concludes the pre-filing duties of SCE under this process. Next, FERC will begin conduct their NEPA assessment. You can view FERC’s process for both of these stages on their website: 

Applicants Pre-Filing Process 
FERC Application Process

Then have these bullets as links:


Draft License Application

SCE filed the Draft License Application on August 27, 2024, below are links to the Volumes (provided as PDFs). Note that Volumes IV and V of the Application were filed as Privileged/Confidential and are not included here. All documents related to the Lee Vining Project can also be found on FERC’s eLibrary. Comments are due to FERC no later than November 25, 2024


Pre-Application Document, Study Plans, Project Materials, & Current FERC License

Below are links to Project-related materials, notifications, and documentation (provided as PDFs). All documents related to the Lee Vining Project can also be found on FERC’s eLibrary. This page will be updated throughout the relicensing process as new materials become available or are updated.


Technical Working Groups (TWG)

The TWG process is open to all interested parties including public agencies, Native American tribes, and not-for-profit organizations, as well as individuals. Participants are expected to make a significant time commitment to prepare for and attend meetings, review documents, and provide technical input to SCE and its consultants on methods, analysis, and interpretation in a timely fashion. In light of this time commitment, it is expected that the TWG process will attract a relatively small number of subject matter experts. SCE will also support a concurrent but separate outreach effort to provide information about the relicensing to the interested public as well as stakeholders electing not to participate in the TWG process via electronic communication and updates to the Project website.

For additional information on the TWG process, see the TWG Charter Document in the Project Materials list below.

To be included in the TWG process please contact Carissa Shoemaker at carissa.shoemaker@erm.com.


TWG Materials

Below are links to TWG-related materials, notifications, and documentation (provided as PDFs). These links will be updated throughout the relicensing process as new materials become available or are updated.

Resource AreaDateDocuments
General TWGsNov. 17, 2020
AquaticsJan. 25, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
Feb. 22, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
Mar. 29, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
May 24, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
May 18, 2023Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
Terrestrial and BotanicalJan. 27, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
Feb. 24, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
Apr. 7, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
May 26, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
Cultural/TribalJan. 27, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
Feb. 24, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
Mar. 31, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
May 26, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
April 19, 2023Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
Recreation and Land UseJan. 28, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
Feb. 24, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
Apr. 1, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
May 27, 2021TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
March 1, 2023TWG Agenda
Meeting Summary
PowerPoint Presentation
March 15, 2023Meeting Summary
April 19, 2023Meeting Summary
February 28, 2024Meeting Summary


Past Public Meeting Materials


Contact Us

NameCompanyProject RoleAddressEmailPhone
Wayne AllenSCEPrincipal Manager1515 Walnut Grove Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770wayne.allen@sce.com626-302-9741
Matthew WoodhallSCEProject Lead1515 Walnut Grove Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770matthew.woodhall@sce.com626-302-9596
Lyle LavenSCEProduction Manager Eastern Operations (Bishop/Mono Basin)Bishop Hydro Offices Plant 4 Bishop CA 93514lyle.laven@sce.com760-873-0724
Becky KippFERCFERC D.C. rebecca.kipp@ferc.gov202-502-8846