Harness the Power of the Sun
Whether you want to supplement the electricity we provide to you, or adopt a greener lifestyle, you have the option of generating your electricity through solar power. Having your own power source can have its rewards and increase the reliability of your electric service.

Power in Your Hands>
If you are thinking of “Going Solar” we have the information and resources to get you started. Learn more about solar power generation, choosing a contractor, and how to apply a solar rate plan and incentives.
Connecting to Our Electrical System>
Learn about Grid Interconnection, requirements, and processes for interconnecting projects to SCE’s electric system grid and find helpful tools and resources for connecting to SCE's electrical grid system.

Rate Plans and Incentives for Renewable Generation Systems

Solar Billing Plan
The Solar Billing Plan (SBP) is a new program for customers who apply for interconnection of an eligible renewable generating system, such as solar or wind, after April 14, 2023. The Solar Billing Plan succeeds the Net Energy Metering (NEM) 2.0 program.

Self-Generation Incentive Program
If you are an SCE customer and interested in increasing the reliability of your electric service, be better prepared for outages and Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS), we offer incentives available through the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP).

Net Energy Metering
For customers who applied for interconnection prior to April 15, 2023, Net Energy Metering (NEM) is a rate option that allows customers with an eligible renewable generating system to receive a credit for the surplus electricity supplied to the electric grid.

Virtual Net Metering
Virtual Net Metering (VNM) allows energy produced by a renewable generating facility to be credited to individual tenants and/or common area utility accounts. As of February 15, 2024, Schedule NEM-V-ST is closed to new customers and a new Virtual Solar Billing Plan went into effect.