Community Renewables - Renewable Auction Mechanism (CR-RAM) 4 Request for Offers (RFO)

As part of the Green Tariff Shared Renewables (GTSR) program, established pursuant to Senate Bill 43 and implemented in Decision (D.) 15-01-051 and D.16-05-006, Southern California Edison (SCE) is launching its third Community Renewables - Renewable Auction Mechanism (CR-RAM 4) Request for Offers (RFO) for the procurement of Community Renewables (CR) and Community Renewables-Environmental Justice (CR-EJ) eligible Generating Facilities.

SCE is attempting to acquire energy from Generating Facilities located in EJ communities, as defined by the California EPA in its most recent version of the CalEnviroScreen tool, through the GTSR program. We encourage Offerors to submit Offers for Generating Facilities located in these communities, and to indicate how the program might be improved to better reach those communities. SCE will select Generating Facilities from the available Offers pursuant to the requirements set forth in D.15-01-051 and D.16-05-006.

CR-RAM 4 RFO Launch – May 23, 2018 - the online Offer form will be available for registered Offerors to begin building Offers.

Offer Submittal Deadline – June 21, 2018, 12:00 pm PT.

Notify Offer List – August 13, 2018 (“Award Date”)

Southern California Edison issues the CR-RAM 4 RFO for 161 MW of CR and 45 MW of CR-EJ eligible Generation Facilities.

Complete requirements to participate and a schedule of required submittals are contained in the RFO Instructions below.

CR-RAM 4 RFO Instructions

CR-RAM 4 RFO Schedule
Dates1 Event
May 23, 2018 Anticipated date SCE will launch the CR-RAM 4 RFO, in which SCE will post the RFO Instructions, Pro Forma Renewable PPA, CR-RAM Rider and Amendment and other CR-RAM 4 RFO documents on the CR-RAM Website.
May 31, 2018 Anticipated date that SCE will host the CR-RAM 4 RFO webinar.
June 21, 2018 12:00 pm (noon) Anticipated deadline for Offerors to submit Offers and required documentation including information necessary to populate the CR-RAM PPA (the “Offer Due Date”).
August 13, 2018 Anticipated date that SCE will notify each Offeror regarding the selection status of each Offer.
October 12, 2018 60 day verification of Community Interest.
December 12, 2018 Anticipated date that SCE will countersign the CR-RAM PPA.
February 11, 2019 Anticipated date that SCE will submit a Tier 2 Advice Letter seeking CPUC Approval of Final Agreements.

SCE reserves the right to revise this schedule at any time and in SCE's sole discretion. Respondents are responsible for monitoring the RFO Website for updates and possible amendments to the RFO, the RFO Instructions or the solicitation process.

Frequently Asked Questions & Contact

Additional questions about the CR-RAM 4 RFO requirements and process should be addressed to (with the IE cc’d at Questions of a general nature will be posted on this website as appropriate.

SCE Contacts for this RFO are:

Shawn Smith 626.302.4978
Matt Lloyd 626.302.1441
Ted Herman 626.302.3368


Information and documents regarding past CR-RAM RFOs (CR-RAM 1 RFO, CR-RAM 2 RFO, and CR-RAM 3 RFO) can be found on at