The Load Profile data files, one for each rate group, are provided in .csv format. The files are organized with columns representing intervals over a day and rows representing days of the year. The interval values are shown as hour-by-hour class average demand in kW. The time intervals are in Pacific Standard Time (PST) for the hour ending at the labeled hour. For example, hour "1:00 AM" begins at 00:00:01 and ends at 01:00:00 Pacific Standard Time. To view data, select date with left mouse button. To access data (for download) use right mouse button and select "Save link as ..." from the menu as the first step. If you are using EXCEL, the second step, after saving data as .txt file, involves opening EXCEL and then using the All files(*.*) file type and continuing from there to import the .txt file into EXCEL following the instructions at each subsequent step. 2